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  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Wed 27 May 2020 Mrs Bates

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Firstly, I hope that you managed an enjoyable bank holiday, are enjoying the sunshine and having a good half term holiday. The weather is certainly helping during lock down.


    School continues to be partially open this half term for children of key worker families. However, we close today to prepare for our wider school opening next week. Cleaning staff will be deep cleaning tomorrow and Friday and school will be shut for ALL children on the 1st June. This will allow us as a staff to reunite; share new risk assessments; devise action plans for varied teaching and learning styles and discuss new ways of working throughout the second half of the summer term during COVID-19.


    On Monday, it will be the first time that staff will have been together as a whole since lock down in mid-March. We have a lot to plan and there will be many decisions made about the staggered start and end times to the school day; which gates to enter and exit school; ways to use the grounds safely; what school will ‘feel like’ for your child and the new protective measures that will need to be followed to ensure safety. One decision that I can confirm now is that children will need to wear school uniform from next week (I appreciate you may want to get it out, washed and ironed ready for use again!)


    There will be many decisions made on Monday as staff are currently on their well-deserved break. As a result, I will write to you again on Monday evening with our consulted plans, and finer details, for re-opening. I am sure you already have some idea about how life in school will be different from the media.


    Please can I remind you that the communicated plan is still conditional and could change at any point as we are guided by the government and their updates. However, home learning will continue for all year groups as it has done since lock down.


    Thank you once more for your patience, understanding and support through this COVID-19 period. Although we are in uncertain times, the welfare and safety of everyone within our school community is, and remains, our number one priority and will always be so.


    Stay safe, keep strong, smile lots and see you all soon.


    Warm regards,


    Mrs Bates

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Tue 26 May 2020 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Hi all,


    I hope that you are all having a good holiday and a well-deserved rest as you do your bit to support the community in the COVID-19 pandemic. School continues to be open for a few days throughout half term, for some children, to support frontline NHS workers in going to work at this difficult time.


    There have been highs and lows for most, but my high today was hearing about one of our Year 6 children, who entered herself into a 'New Writers UK' story writing competition. 


    Isobel, in Year 6, wrote an amazing story a few months ago and we have just found out that she is one of the finalists and will be congratulated at a prize-giving presentation in October (following delays due to COVID-19). Her story will also be published in a book - we are so proud of her.


    Isobel has always loved story writing in school, but she has also always extended her studies from school topic work into writing pieces carried out at home. We are very impressed with Isobel's dedication to school life, both in and out of the building, and this reward is very well-deserved. 


    I can't wait to see the final book and it feels like her time in year 6 has ended on a high at a time when life for her is a little different to normal as she leaves primary school. There have been no SATS for our year 6 children this year, due to the coronavirus and lockdown, but if the writing teacher assessment could have happened this year, I am confident that she would have met the standard with flying 'rainbow' colours.


    Well done, Isobel. I know the class and Miss Marvin have really enjoyed sharing your story this year, but this goes to show that your hard work has been recognised by judges and will be celebrated in the coming months. 


    Excellent achievement and thanks for sharing. 


    Keep safe and keep smiling,


    Mrs Bates :) 

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 22 May 2020 Mrs Bates

    Dear Children,

    I cannot believe that we have ended another half term and we still haven't manged to see you all over the past few weeks. I am seeing some super learning and work on the portfolios, and I am so proud to say how well I think you are all doing.

    School continues to be open a few days next week, and then we open to some year groups after the holidays. Myself and the team have had so much homework to do, and lots of planning, but it has been worth every second considering how to get you back to school safely as soon as possible.

    For some, we may not see you for a while, but we are thinking of you and hope to see you all as soon as we possibly can.

    To prove this to you, have a look at what the staff have been up to and what they have to say:

    Thanks to all of your crazy teachers and teaching assistants, and to Mr Honey and Mr Khan for putting this together.

    I think we have the best school community, and I am proud to be part of it! Thank you to everyone (your parents included)!

    Keep safe, keep alert and keep SMILING (I hope the video helps you do this!

    Lots of love,

    Mrs Bates :)


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Sun 17 May 2020 Mrs Bates

    Dear all,


    Well, what a weird (but wonderful) week in the world of education. Children, who are in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 are being asked to return to school by the 1st of June in a phased and cautious way by the government. In addition to this, school should remain open for the vulnerable children and those of key workers (all groups now classed as 'priority' groups).


    I wrote to you last Monday and again on Friday basically explaining that we are waiting for further guidance from the Local Authority, and as soon as we have a plan for a cautious phased return, we will share it with you.


    The Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, spoke to the nation last night and he wants us to ensure that we:


    * Use smaller class sizes;

    * Follow strict protective measures;

    * Keep children and staff in small, consistent 'bubbles';

    * Follow strict rigorous hygiene;

    * Highlight children, staff and families to the testing measures quickly where needed;

    * Carefully monitor and use all guidance;

    * Keep focussed on minimising contact where possible;

    * and ultimately ensure that children don't miss out during this crisis.


    For school leaders and governors to do this well, and safely, will take time, carefully thought out planning and lots of communication. Please bear with us, whilst we try to make this happen in the safest way possible for the whole school community. 


    In the meantime, also let school know as soon as possible if you require a school place if your child is part of the vulnerable or key worker priority group. School will also be in touch if we feel your child should now be in school full time. 


    Thank you for your patience, understanding and kind words of support at this time. 


    Take care,


    Mrs Bates

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Mon 11 May 2020 Mrs Bates

    Good morning all,


    The government have spoken and things are about to change. Rest assured that school will not open for all pupils straight away. Instead, there will be a careful phased re-opening, with some year group. More guidance is due this week about what this might look like.


    I have sent a letter to you all today regarding Boris Johnson's speech last night and please keep up to date with information currently found on this section of the website:



    Thank you for your continued support. 


    Have a good day, 


    Mrs Bates

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 08 May 2020 Mrs Bates
    Good morning everyone,

    I hope you are all coping with lockdown and are enjoying the sunshine ! I wish all the children could all be in school. However, we are doing what the government are advising and keeping you all safe by social distancing and being at home instead (to prevent the spread of this horrible coronavirus).

    I know everyone has been busy guessing hard this week and trying to identify the staff, who are keeping safe and washing their hands. As far as I am aware, no one has guessed my hands accurately :) I used gel instead (not ideal but better than nothing!) I was number 6!

    The results are on class Dojo and watch out for further challenges. Keep checking in to whole school posts from me as next week the children can guess the staff from their childhood photos. Today, we have also started an extra special treat video for them, which will go live soon :)

    School is closed for everyone today due to very low numbers and the bank holiday. We hope you make more special memories together, and I am hopeful for some lovely sunshine so that we can all get out into our gardens and have some fresh air fun.

    Keep in touch with teachers and keep uploading fabulous work and experiences to your child's portfolio. We would love to hear from the children everyday, but weekly is great too!!

    We are so proud of the children and how they are coping. This is hard for everyone, but remember what I have said throughout…

    KEEP SMILING and stay safe and well in the meantime.

    We miss you all.

    Best wishes and happy bank holiday,

    Mrs Bates :)
  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 01 May 2020 Mrs Bates

    Hello one and all,


    Well, another very different, but super week in school this week. We have had between 7 - 18 children in every day and a small number of staff. School continues to be open for the vulnerable children or those with two key worker parents only. This is our effort to stay at home where possible and protect the NHS, ourselves and everyone in the community 

    Remember to keep looking at Class Dojo (both class stories and whole school posts). As well as the home learning set on the class pages of the website, we are also posting fun challenges, daily questions or opportunities to stretch thinking. This week was the hand washing challenge on class dojo...

    I do hope that you are all well and keeping safe. The staff certainly are staying safe by keeping their hands nice and clean like we should (both in school and when travelling to and from the home!)

    However, I wondered if you might be able to help us out? The teachers are being a little bit secretive and we can't tell who is washing hands or using gel?

    Why don't you take a look at who is keeping their hands clean and safe from those nasty germs and this nasty, naughty virus? Take a look at the photos attached and see if you can guess who the 25 members of staff are. Keep your guess and I will tell you next week who everyone is. 

    Have fun!! (an answer sheet can be found on class Dojo too, where you will be able to record your answers and stick in your home learning book).


    In addition this week, and on a more serious note, we are noticing that children are struggling a little more and anxiety can rise at any point during a difficult time (and we are in a global pandemic, which has never happened in our lifetimes!) As a result, I sent via Parent Mail yesterday a wellbeing pack to support you all at home. This is a long resource pack. However, may help you all in different ways at different times. When you have a moment, take the time to have a read and then store it somewhere for a potential time in need.


    Please also contact us if you are struggling and we will be able to support you in some way.


    Today, Mrs Jamson also wrote to you about the changes for home learning from next week. Good luck with everything, do your best, don't put pressure on yourselves and rest assured we will catch up when we are back fully.


    Take care, keep smiling and stay safe.

    Warm regards,

    Mrs Bates 
