The provision for Pupil Premium children takes a 3 tiered approach:
Tier 1:
The main focus for all children, including those eligible for Pupil Premium, being quality teaching and learning in classrooms as part of an engaging and broad curriculum. As a school, we prioritise ensuring an effective teacher is in front of every class, and that every teacher is supported to keep improving. As part of this tier, we are currently on a journey to become a Thinking School through Thinking Matters. A Thinking School is an explicit, evidence-informed, whole school approach to developing pupils' cognitive capability and intelligent learning behaviours.
Tier 2:
The second tier to the Pupil Premium strategy is to offer targeted academic support. Targeted interventions and support is allocated according to school data and is research led on what has the most effective impact. Interventions include both small group and 1:1 sessions, with either the class teachers, teaching assistants, volunteers or external specialists.
Tier 3:
The third tier covers wider strategies that address the most significant non-academic barriers to success in school, including attendance, behaviour and social and emotional support. These strategies support the wider well being of the child and family. This support can be offered both from school staff or through links with external providers and services.
Overview of Intervention & Support
In addition to first quality teaching and in-class teaching assistant support:
- 1:1 learning support in and out of class provided by Teachers and Teaching Assistants (TAs).
- Service children: 1:1 ‘All About Me’ session at least termly.
- Specialist social and emotional behaviour support, the ‘All about Me’ programme with trained on-site counsellor.
- Specialist TA shares progress and programme details with Inclusion Senior Leadership Team meetings.
- Emotional literacy sessions to support emotional health by ELSA trained TAs.
- Anxiety reduction sessions run by Teaching Assistants trained in the CAMHS anxiety reduction programme.
- Drawing and Talking intervention run by trained Teaching Assistants.
- Early Help Assessment forms completed and submitted for external support where appropriate.
- 1:1 meetings with trained on-site counsellor offered to children and parents where appropriate.
- Dog Therapy - delivered by external provider
- Positive Play intervention - delivered by trained TA.
- Teaching Assistant support during break times for emotional & behavioural support & positive conflict resolution.
- Purchase and delivery of Lexia reading intervention software (50 licenses).
- Financial Support for school trips and residential visits.
- Nurture room (Rainbow Den) resourcing, development and CPD.
- Nurture provision, available 5 afternoons a week, through school’s own Rainbow Den.
- Start of day, daily meet and greet sessions.
- Lunch Time Club, available 5 days a week, in the school’s Rainbow Den.
- 1:1 music lessons e.g. drumming and piano.
- 1:1 and small group tutoring offered through the School Led Tutoring Programme.
Monitoring & Evaluation of PP Support and Impact
- Governors report shared at Full Governing Body meetings - termly
- Cohort profile creation for PP children for data overviews – termly
- PP lead and PP link governor meetings - termly
- PP pupil voice with PP lead and PP link governor - annually
- PP pupil voice through survey - annually
- Parent voice through survey - annually
- Staff voice through barrier mapping - termly
- Pupil progress dialogue meetings - termly
- Barrier and strengths audit - termly
- Intervention audit - termly
- Reading, writing and maths data analysis and report - termly
- External data review with head teacher - annually
- PP expenditure review with by PP lead, SMT and business manager - 2 x yearly