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Rainbows Nursery Welcome

Rainbows Nursery Welcome

A Personal Welcome from Mrs Bates (Head Teacher)

Nursery open event - Monday 24th February

If you, or someone you know, is considering Greasley Beauvale Primary and Nursery School for their nursery aged child, please book a place on our nursery open event taking place on Monday 24th February from 3:30pm-4:30pm by completing and submitting this form,


At the event you will have the opportunity to come and look around the nursery, meet the staff and ask any questions you may have. 


Applications for the April (Easter) 2025 intake are now open and will close on Friday 7th March.  Application forms will be available for you to collect at the event. They can also be found on our website, Rainbows Nursery Admissions | Greasley Beauvale Primary School or collected from the school office.


We look forward to meeting you all 

The overall reason for Greasley Beauvale Primary School wanting to accommodate our own nursery provision and lowering the age range to 3 is down to the following factors:


  • A first quality education for 3 year olds and above;
  • Quality transition into Reception and main school;
  • Opportunities for staff, parents and children;
  • All day care for children within the community (hence supporting families);
  • School readiness.

The many advantages to joining our school-based Rainbows Nursery from 3 years of age:


  • Be led and managed by a committed and driven senior management and leadership team (including Governors the SBM and EYFS lead);
  • Be led by a qualified teacher who will work with the EYFS team and be fully part of the school and the whole-staff team;
  • Ensure that children are exposed to a high-quality curriculum (including phonics) and receive first-quality teaching;
  • A setting supported by well-qualified and experienced Learning Support Assistants in the field of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS);
  • Be fully inclusive and well-supported by the expertise of our SENDCo;
  • Accommodated within a purpose-built classroom, which is part of the whole Greasley Beauvale Primary School main school;
  • Work with the Foundation Lead within the school to ensure teaching and learning links in with a smooth and seamless transition to school. 
  • Access to the full EYFS curriculum and phonics (currently moving to Little Wandle);
  • Age-appropriate outdoor play area, with new equipment, access to the Reception area and grounds well-equipped for the Early Years age group;
  • Access to all the wider school equipment and facilities (e.g. interactive whiteboards, large school hall, sensory room and shed, library, dinner hall, multi-use games area (MUGA), musical equipment, developing sensory garden and nurture room);
  • Opportunities to be part of main school events and celebrations (e.g. Rainbow Rewards, fundraising events, concerts trips and overall enhancement to the curriculum);
  • An education at a well-respected school that is well-known for its focus on nurture, pastoral provision, mental health and wellbeing, support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and a continual drive to keep up to speed with research and ideas for school improvement; 
  • Fully funded places of 15 and 30 hours, with the option to pay for additional sessions and lunch;
  • An optional (chargeable) hot and healthy school meal at lunchtime;
  • A smooth and seamless transition into Reception and main school (subject to being offered a place through the schools admissions process);
  • Provided continuous education from 3-11 years (subject to accepted application for a reception place);
  • Opportunities to be part of whole-school projects and developments, including Thinking Schools and OPAL playtimes;
  • Access to our school Wraparound Care services (Ace Sports Coaching) providing childcare from 7:30am – 6:00pm.
  • Ensure that there are good links with the community and stakeholder.