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A menu of homework activities will be set each half term and added to this page. This will also be shared in the reading diary and via Weduc.


Frequent and regular reading at home is key to reading progress. Phonetically decodable reading books are changed weekly. The reading book should be read multiple times across the week so when changed, children can read it fluently.

Children should read the key words and sounds at the start of the book before reading.

Once confident with the text they should be encouraged to summarise the main events or facts in the book.

Think about flow and tone of voice when reading.

Discuss the characters, setting and plot of story books.

The reading books sent home are not to learn new phonemes, they should be fully decodable.


Children are encouraged to read and enjoy a wide range of books at home, beyond their fully decodable school reading book.



Year 2 Spelling list


These are the spellings that children in Year 2 are expected to be able to spell and use in their writing by the end of the year.

