Welcome to The Rainbow Den!
At Greasley Beauvale Primary School, we continually strive to develop the whole child holistically, not just academically, to ensure the needs of every child are met. Therefore, we are delighted to be able to offer The Rainbow Den, our nurture group provision.
The philosophy of a nurture group is drawn from the six principles established by the work of Marjorie Boxall:
Nurture groups are in-school, teacher-led interventions focused on supporting the social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD) of children and young people. They are founded on evidence-based practices and offer a short-term, inclusive, targeted intervention that works in the long term. The aim of a nurture group is to provide a carefully routined session, where there is a balance of learning and teaching and affection and structure, within a home-like atmosphere. Nurture takes place every afternoon, with children from across EYFS, KS1 and KS2 attending. The sessions are run by teaching assistants and overseen by the Nurture Lead.