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PE Information

Children should come to school in their PE kits and wear these for the whole day on their PE days.


Tuesday and Thursday are our days for PE in Autumn 1. 



PE Kit


Plain black or navy shorts

Plain black or navy tracksuit/jogging bottoms

Plain white t-shirt

Dark pumps/plimsolls for indoor PE

Trainers for outdoor PE



Can you please ensure that all uniform, including shoes and PE pumps and trainers, is clearly marked with your child’s name to ensure that if any item is misplaced it can be returned to you.


Please note that no jewellery is allowed during PE lessons. Earrings must be removed at home, if they are not able to be removed by the child. Earrings will not be removed by school staff and cannot be covered during the lesson. Please ensure all long hair is tied back. 


Please let the teacher know via Weduc or a message in the home school diary if your child cannot take part in a PE lesson due to ill health or injury.
