Dear Parents and Carers,
Firstly, I hope that you managed an enjoyable bank holiday, are enjoying the sunshine and having a good half term holiday. The weather is certainly helping during lock down.
School continues to be partially open this half term for children of key worker families. However, we close today to prepare for our wider school opening next week. Cleaning staff will be deep cleaning tomorrow and Friday and school will be shut for ALL children on the 1st June. This will allow us as a staff to reunite; share new risk assessments; devise action plans for varied teaching and learning styles and discuss new ways of working throughout the second half of the summer term during COVID-19.
On Monday, it will be the first time that staff will have been together as a whole since lock down in mid-March. We have a lot to plan and there will be many decisions made about the staggered start and end times to the school day; which gates to enter and exit school; ways to use the grounds safely; what school will ‘feel like’ for your child and the new protective measures that will need to be followed to ensure safety. One decision that I can confirm now is that children will need to wear school uniform from next week (I appreciate you may want to get it out, washed and ironed ready for use again!)
There will be many decisions made on Monday as staff are currently on their well-deserved break. As a result, I will write to you again on Monday evening with our consulted plans, and finer details, for re-opening. I am sure you already have some idea about how life in school will be different from the media.
Please can I remind you that the communicated plan is still conditional and could change at any point as we are guided by the government and their updates. However, home learning will continue for all year groups as it has done since lock down.
Thank you once more for your patience, understanding and support through this COVID-19 period. Although we are in uncertain times, the welfare and safety of everyone within our school community is, and remains, our number one priority and will always be so.
Stay safe, keep strong, smile lots and see you all soon.
Warm regards,
Mrs Bates