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Year 3


 YEAR 3!


The classroom doors will open at 8:45 and children can begin making their way in. The school day begins at 8:50. The classroom doors will close at 8:55. Anyone arriving after this time will need to enter through the school office at main reception. The school day ends at 3:15pm. 


Our Learning


Welcome to the Autumn Term!


We are so excited to see you all in September ready for your start to Year 3 and KS2! We can't wait to get to know you all!


In our English lessons, we will start by using the book, 'The First Drawing' as our focus. 



In maths, we will be working on place value and addition and subtraction. 



In science, we will be diving into the world of rocks! We will look at what are rocks? Are all rocks the same? How rocks are formed, which rocks make up the Earth, what soils are and how fossils are formed.



In RE, we will be focusing on the question ‘what is it like for someone to follow God?’ looking mainly at Christianity but making some comparisons across different beliefs.



In PSHE, our first unit is called 'Be yourself'. We will look at different feelings and emotions, think about what we are proud of, how to be assertive and different types of messages. we will also start our work on using 'Zones of Regulation'.



In History, we will be looking into the Stone Age. We also have our exciting experience day at Beaumanor Hall to look forward to!



In Art, we will be looking at the work of Boris Schmitz. We will draw facial features, use shading, experiment with different grades of pencil, learn how to manipulate materials and make a 3D wire sculpture.



In our Computing lessons, we will spend time getting used to using the Chromebooks and then start some work on Coding!



In PE, we will be working on our personal skills and basketball!



We will also be getting started with French for the first time! We will focus on greetings and introducing ourselves.



We are so excited to get started and getting straight in!

The Year 3 team. 🙂
