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Rainbows Nursery Prospectus and Guides

Rainbows Nursery Key Information

Rainbows Nursery

Rainbows Nursery Handbook 2024

Greasley Beauvale Primary School

Greasley Beauvale Primary School Whole School Prospectus

Greasley Vision & Values


Our Vision:


At Greasley Beauvale Primary School, our vision is for everyone to reach their true potential, nurture their talents and foster a personal love of learning through a safe, engaging and challenging curriculum. We take notice of each other and strive to be healthy and happy in body and mind. We champion physical, emotional and mental wellbeing to promote the best outcomes for everyone to build a healthy future together.


Our vision is shared by the whole-school community, and we are proud of our school and what we stand for. We fully understand the potential impact of COVID-19 and appreciated the importance of physical health and wellbeing support needed as we readjusted.


Our Aims:


To be lifelong learners, who are motivated to be independent, confident and responsible global citizens

To set ourselves high aspirations and strive for excellence so that we can be the very best we can be

To learn together in an environment where mental health and wellbeing is embedded in the culture

To take care of others, and ourselves being healthy in body, open in heart and happy in mind

To be forward thinking, embrace creativity and nurture curiosity about the world

To take risks in our learning and challenge ourselves in our journey to reach our full potential

To be resilient and unafraid of failure

To develop our social skills in order to become effective communicators and build relationships

To be nurturing, kind and caring; understanding when to be supportive to others

To be truly respectful and empathetic, allowing us to embrace individuality


Our Rainbow Values:


Respect and acceptance – “Being ready, respectful and safe in everything we do”

Active body and active mind – “Take ownership over your physical and mental wellbeing”

Inclusive yet individual – “Embrace diversity and be proud of who you are”

Nurture, develop and grow – “Persevere and take risks with your talents and potential”

Believe in yourself – “Be confident in your choices”

Overcome your obstacles – “Be brave, show resilience and challenge yourself”

Wonder and curiosity – “Ask questions and seek answers”



         At Greasley Beauvale Primary School, you are “Learning for Life” to “Paint Your Own Rainbow

Pupil and Parent Voice from across Greasley Beauvale Primary School

Ofsted Quotes to be proud of
