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Year 4


 YEAR 4!

Year 4 Welcome Parent Presentation

Summer term


For easy reference, here's a brief overview of the learning for this half term:


  • Maths –  We will be covering shape, statistics and position and direction. Starting with shape, we will identify, compare and order angles. We will then move on to look at the properties of triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons and ending with lines of symmetry.
  • EnglishNext half term, we will be using two texts in our English lessons - Pride by Rob Sanders and Steven Salerno and Shackleton's Journey by William Grill. We will start with Shackleton's Journey. 
  • Whole Class Reading We will be using a selection of poems based on the theme of water and the sea to tie in with our English text,
    Shackleton’s Journey. The poems will be taken from: Poems from a Green and Blue Planet
  • Science Our first few weeks will be spent finishing our current unit of work 'Animals including humans'. We will then move on to our final unit of learning this year which is 'sound'. Children will identify how sounds are made, understand how vibrations from sound travel, find patterns in the pitch and volume of sound and recognise how sounds change as the distance changes. 
  • Art Linked to our history learning, we will be sculpting a Roman pot using clay.
  • PSHE - Our new unit of work is called 'Aiming High' 


Our Friday Weduc posts will give a more detailed overview of our learning each week. 



History Knowledge Organiser
