Spring 1
For easy reference, here's a brief overview of the learning for this half term:
- In English, we are beginning our new story, Cinnamon. The children will learn lots of different year four writing skills and eventually retell the narrative as their independent piece of writing.
- In maths, we are continuing our multiplication and division topic, before moving on to length and perimeter.
- Our reading text is a anthology called 'Green and Blue poems' which focus on the environment and the natural world.
- In science, we are exploring living things and their habitats. This will include investigating food chains.
- Our PSHE unit is called 'think positive' and encourages children to reflect positively on their experiences. It also explores how our emotions can be positive and negative and links closely with our Zones of Regulation work.
Our Friday Weduc posts will give a more detailed overview of our learning each week.
Please note, our PE days for Spring 1 are Wednesday and Thursday.