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  • Head Teacher Awards - Week Commencing 30.01.23

    Mon 30 Jan 2023 Mrs Bates

    Layla - Green 2 - For a positive mindset towards her learning. We have really noticed her 'can do' attitude, which is having a positive impact on the work she is producing. 


    Joshua - Yellow 2 - For blowing me away with his story writing. He used past tense verbs, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. AMAZING progress, Joshua! Well done.

  • Poppy Appeal Update from the British Legion

    Fri 27 Jan 2023 Mrs Bates

    Recently, we have won an award for our charitable work for the Poppy Appeal in the autumn term. See below for the post from the Royal British Legion (Eastwood and District, Nottinghamshire) detailing the celebration. 


    We loved having visitors in school from the British Legion, and learning about their work and roles. The children were very proud to receive the award.


    We showed our gratitude to the hard work and charitable work of the volunteers.

  • Head Teacher's Awards - Week ending 27th January 2023

    Fri 27 Jan 2023 Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher's Awards Update:


    Lawson - Blue 2 - For having an amazing and positive week in Year 4. He has tried so hard with activities outside of his comfort zone and made us so proud of what he has achieved this week. I was incredibly impressed to see Lawson in assembly today, during Rainbow Rewards, and he answered a question with confidence and a smile. What a GREAT week! 


    Morgan, Izzie and Liam - Blue 2 - For their letter writing. All three children thought about their character's feelings and included thoughtful and emotive ideas.


    Archie - Yellow 1 -  For his use of 'er' and 'est' in his writing. Archie has also focussed on his learning and 'Believed in himself'. 


    Harri and Holly - Blue 2 - For their maths learning on multiplication and division. They both worked well with partners to progress through a sequence of lessons and and their learning was well-presented and recorded. 


    Ava - Blue 1 - For her wonderfully emotive writing about a Jewish pilgrimage to the western wall. 


    Grayson - Green 1 - For amazing maths work! Having the confidence to complete some tricky problems on his own. Lots of knowledge needed for division - well done! 


    Skyla, Ethan and Alfie - Blue 2 - All three children thought about their character's feelings, when performing their drama piece, and included thoughtful emotions. In addition, they worked well as a team and performed their piece to me with confidence and resilience. 

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Thu 19 Jan 2023 Mrs Bates
    Year 6 absolutely loved reading 'The Last Bear' in the Autumn Term and last week, Miss Marvin entered a competition on behalf of Violet 2 to guess which animal would be the inspiration for her third book.  
    Unfortunately, their guess of an orangutan was incorrect, but it turned out every guess was and Violet 2 were chosen at random to win some goodies, sent by Hannah Gold herself!
    The children were very excited and cannot WAIT for the new book to come out - it's just a shame they'll be in Year 7 when it is released!
    Please see the photos below as to why this was a recommended read from Violet 2 and the actual Tweet from the author, Hannah Gold!
    How exciting! I can't wait to see their faces when the goodies arrive!


  • Head Teachers Award - Week Commencing 16th January 2023

    Mon 16 Jan 2023 Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher's Awards Update:


    Freddie - Orange 1- For a fantastic attitude to writing and maths so far this week. Freddie completed his maths on Wednesday independently and worked very hard on finding one more or one less than a number to 20. Well done, Freddie, as this a huge improvement and you should be very proud of yourself. A big hurdle conquered with positivity!


    Isla - Green 1 - For a fantastic attitude towards maths learning. She has built up the resilience to have a go and not be worried by hurdles. She has worked through problems slowly and carefully and is really trying very hard. 


    Grace - Violet 1 - For understanding and carefully explaining a tricky ratio problem in maths, using correct mathematical terminology. I was very impressed when I walked in half way through and Grace was using her reasoning and vocabulary to explain to her peers how to solve the problem accurately. 

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 13 Jan 2023 Mrs Bates

    What an absolutely super week and an excellent (and enthusiastic) start to 2023...


    A great first week back, where classes have been calm, respectful and hard-working. Walking round has been a pleasure and I have learnt a few new facts (whilst also having a great haircut at the salon in Reception):


    - Polar bears actually have black skin and they only appear to have white fur due to the reflection from the snow and ice;


    - 80-90% of the southern hemisphere is water;


    - The snow and ice on the North Pole is only 3 metres deep;


    - A spaceship is believed to have landed on the school playground this week, which Year 1 children are currently investigating and communicating with me about 


    ... and it goes on! 


    This week, we have also had children return to Greasley after a few years living abroad (so lovely to see them!) and we have also had several tours for new starters! It's been lovely showing people around and we have been very proud to talk about our school and what it has to holistically offer! 


    Have a great weekend everyone, 


    Mrs Bates 

  • Head Teacher's Awards

    Thu 12 Jan 2023 Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher's Awards Update:


    Dylan - Violet 2 - For excellent work and understanding of ratios this week. Dylan showed a lot of confidence in this area of maths and used some great reasoning skills to support his calculations.


    Sophia - Red 1 - For being a very kind friend by helping another child up off the floor, after falling in a race, even though it made her last.


    Martha - Orange 1 - For amazing work on alternative pronunciations of the 'a' grapheme. 


    Evie- Leigh - Indigo 2 - For writing a letter and sending a card to the Royal family for their loss of the Queen. This demonstrated how kind, caring and considerate she is. Evie-Leigh received a response from the King himself - how special! We will love sharing this news and card with the whole school in Rainbow Rewards tomorrow.


    Mon 09 Jan 2023 Mrs Bates

    We wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR and hope that you have all had a restful Christmas. 


    We are all ready for the term ahead and hope that you'll join us in supporting the children and being engaged with the school's priorities.


    Look out for some invites and workshops coming up and join us where you can. 


    So...1,2,3 Let's get cracking... 


    Mrs Bates  
