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  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 29 Sep 2017 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 29th September 2017


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:

    Verity – Year 3 – for excellent and creative homework

    James – Early Years – for making the right choices and being very positive about his learning and friendships in school.


    WILF will be visiting class 12 for 100% attendance.

    Jessica will be visiting class 8 for 99.5% attendance.


    Diary of the week:


    WOW…what a fabulous day to be writing the Head Teacher’s blog. We have all had another super week. However, I am incredibly proud today of the Team GB community and in particular the staff and children in year 6. Today, they have held their Macmillan Coffee afternoon and it was staggering to see the support from so many of you. All afternoon the school has been a buzzing hive of support, generosity and kindness.


    For the last two weeks, the staff, parents and children of year 6 have been preparing for our first Macmillan Coffee Afternoon in a number of years and the efforts have been truly amazing. The children have worked like young entrepreneurs and organised the whole event: raffles, prizes, posters, persuasive letters to parents and carers, baking, tokens for the whole school and much much more. Watching everyone at work has been truly wonderful and emotional for some at times!


    We all probably know that special someone, who has either had, or has, cancer and or we have sadly lost due to the cruel disease. Today showed the support to the Macmillan nurses and support teams out there who live their lives day in, day out supporting the people who need it most. Today marked that respect and support, and everyone at Team GB thanks you for turning up, donating, baking, selling and again much much more!


    The donations and sales are still being collected and counted, but I can say that when I last checked the amount raised so far, it exceeded a staggering £1000! AMAZING and it makes me so proud of everybody within the community of Greasley Beauvale Primary School!


    A special mention has to go to Miss Busby and Miss Marvin for organising such a successful event! Right from the start, they were passionate and enthusiastic about supporting this very worthy charity and I congratulate and commend them on their success. Caitlin, one of our year 6 pupils, was also an absolute star and I would like to thank her for her beaming smile, energy, commitment, passion and PERSUASION whilst selling all of those raffle tickets! Many parents mentioned her during the afternoon hence this special thank you and mention.


    The raffle was a huge hit and we do still have prizes in school ready for many of you. Prizes that can go home with a child will be distributed on Monday. However, for those who won alcohol, for example, we will contact you regarding collection from the school office. We will also continue with the children’s raffle on Monday morning during assembly. During Monday playtime, we will also be distributing the leftover cakes to any children who would still like to give a contribution to the Macmillan fund. We also still have some of the Macmillan badges, which are selling for just £1. For anyone also still wanting to donate £5, you can text BUN NEK4 to 70550. Thank you SO much!


    I look forward to confirming the final amount with you as soon as possible and once again a HUGE thank you to everyone involved.


    Have a great weekend


    Kind Regard

    Mrs Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher


  • Head Teacher's Blog!

    Fri 22 Sep 2017 Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 22nd September 2017


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Holly – Year 4 – for incredible precision in her writing

    Alfie – Year 3 – for displaying fabulous behaviour and attitude to learning

    Mason – Year 3 – for amazing reading effort at school and at home


    WILF will be visiting class 12 for 100% attendance.

    Jessica will be visiting class 8 for 99.5% attendance.


    Diary of the week:


    Another fantastic week at Greasley Beauvale. It’s been very busy, but very productive and the children are deep into their new topics and routines.


    I am delighted to inform you that Mrs Lisa Clarke has been appointed this week as the Acting Deputy Head Teacher. Her interview with the governors, and myself, was held yesterday and it was a unanimous decision that she should join me in leading the school over the next two terms. We are obliged to advertised the post externally later this year, but in the meantime, I welcome her into her new role and I am excited about the future of the school. Mrs Clarke is in the playground most mornings, so please feel free to talk to her in passing about any ways in which we can support you in school or ways in which we could improve.


    During the week, we have been looking around school at displays, learning environments and the attitudes to learning. Everywhere looks fantastic and attitudes towards learning are positive. Children are excited about their learning and beginning to understand the need for independence, risk-taking and the desire to want to do well.


    Over the next few months, we will be looking at the whole-school vision and what it means to be a part of Greasley Beauvale Primary School. I will be consulting with you regarding the vision in the lead up to Christmas. However, if you ever have any ideas for the school and what you think the vision should entail then please do feel to get in touch or have a chat with myself or any member of the team.


    I look forward to next week already and another busy week of learning. Don’t forget that we have the Macmillan Coffee event on Friday 29th September between 1.30pm-3pm. There will be a range of stalls, raffles and lots of delicious cakes and treats. The year 6 children, and staff, have worked really hard to plan and co-ordinate this event and have sent out all the details today through Parent mail. Please help them to support such an amazing charity.


    Have a fantastic weekend – it’s getting a little chillier, but continue to enjoy the autumnal sun.


    Take care,


    Mrs Bates


    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog!

    Fri 15 Sep 2017


    Diary of the week:


    I cannot believe that we are already at the end of the first full week back into the autumn term. Once again, the children really have excelled this week and behaviour has been excellent. All of the children have settled well into their classroom routines and are getting used to the new year group expectations and way of working. It has been so lovely getting to meet so many of the new faces and the atmosphere around school has been fantastic.


    The week started with a fabulous team building staff meeting on Monday night organised by Miss Charlotte Busby. The new staff (Miss Natalie Schofield, Mrs Alison Padley and Miss Demi Brown) were fully introduced to Team GB, and I thank them personally for the way in which they have embraced the work ethic and passion for teaching and learning at Greasley Beauvale Primary School… already, they feel very much part of the team.


    Over the course of the week, I have been getting into all classes and teaching and learning is well underway! The children are happy, cheerful, inquisitive and working hard. Learning is being centralised around a good quality text in every classroom and exciting reading and writing opportunities are being incorporated across the curriculum.


    This week, I have had my first meeting with governors and over the next few weeks we will making a decision about the deputy headship for the school. We will also be making a new appointment to cover Mrs Henshaw’s maternity and I think you would join me on wishing her well as she embarks on the final half term of teaching before she becomes a mummy!


    The children are now finishing off their studies of The Colour of Home text and over the next week I look forward to seeing displays of their fabulous work across school. Please feel free to pop into classrooms and look at the amazing work beginning to be displayed.


    Look out for the year group flyers, which will be sent out today from class teachers. They are very informative, but if you require any further information about life in your child’s year group then please do not hesitate to ask.


    We hope that school life for you here at Greasley Beauvale is going well so far. Please feel free to discuss any issues with class teachers or myself. On the flip side, share the success stories too.


    Have a great weekend


    Warm regards,


    Mrs Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 08 Sep 2017 Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 8th September 2017


    Diary of the week:


    Well, I can’t believe I am writing my first blog for the first week back already. The days have just flown by and the children and staff have ALL made an excellent start.


    Seeing you all in the playground over the last three days has been great and many conversations have already taken place about your fabulous summer holidays, links between home and school and ways in which we can support or improve. It feels a very positive and welcoming start to my first week of headship and I cannot wait for these partnerships to continue to grow throughout the year.


    I thank you all for making your children look so smart and being ready for learning for their first week in school. I have not had to talk to one child about not wearing the correct uniform or not having the correct attitude to learning. What a great start!


    INSET day for the staff was on Tuesday and TEAM GB were on top form and ready and raring to go. We talked about the term ahead and how we plan to move forward, ways in which to engage the children and the development of reading across the curriculum. All classrooms look amazing and school has a VERY positive feel.


    Wednesday was the first day for the children…and WOW what a day! It started with everyone settling in and I visited every classroom to see beaming smiles, lots of bronzed faces, enthusiasm for learning and courteous and respectful manners. It was amazing to see so many new faces in Early Years and the way they have settled in has been impeccable. During the morning, we then took some of our older year groups to see the Tour of Britain cycle race and that was truly amazing. Being amongst the community, cheering on cyclists from across Britain was truly wonderful and we waved those TEAM GB coloured flags with pride as they flew past us at speed. The children were exceptionally well-behaved and I was so proud to be leading such a successful event with such a wonderful bunch of children, staff and parents and carers. I would like to thank the adults, who supported us with this event, as we couldn’t have done it without their support. Thank you.


    Throughout the week, the whole school have been using the book, ‘The Colour of Home’ to focus their learning on. This remarkably moving book follows a young boy, Hassan, through his first few days at school in the United States after he and his family were forced to flee Somalia. He deeply misses the colourful landscape of his former home in Africa. But with the help of his parents, an understanding teacher, and a school art project, Hassan finds that by painting a picture of his old home and sharing his story, his homesickness and the trauma of leaving a war-torn country are lessened. The children have loved the story and also challenged some of the ideas within the book. Our art day on Friday also demonstrated their understanding of the story and the issues within the plot. I look forward to seeing some of the display work around school when they are complete.


    All in all, it has been a fabulous first three days back in school and I am very positive about the future of Greasley Beauvale Primary School. I am also very proud to be leading such a team!


    Have a great weekend…we may even get a little bit of sunshine. Take care,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher



  • Head Teacher's Blog!

    Tue 05 Sep 2017 Michelle Bates

    Welcome back and I really hope that you have all had a safe, enjoyable and fantastic summer holiday!


    I am delighted to be writing this first blog to you as your new Head Teacher. I feel very privileged to be following in the footsteps of Mrs Chambers. I am proud to have worked at this school for the last two years, but now feel in a very lucky position to lead it through its next stages – ‘The journey to outstanding!’ I would like to say thank you to Mrs Chambers for her support in ensuring the transition into this role has been as smooth and effective as possible.


    Being a mother myself, to my 8 year old daughter Maisie, I am very much aware of the responsibility that ‘Team GB’ and I have in ensuring that your children receive the highest standard of teaching and learning, but also that they enjoy their learning and have fun. I strongly believe achievement and enjoyment go hand in hand to ensure each child makes progress.


    My priority, as Head Teacher, is to ensure that Greasley Beauvale Primary School continues to build on the vision that we already have in place. As a staff, we will make sure that the children continue to be at the centre of the curriculum, ensuring that they have a sense of ownership and excitement over their learning. It is also important that the children show us their love of learning through their behaviour and demonstrate a positive desire to want to do well and succeed. I feel passionate about teachers building on their knowledge of all the children and nurturing their talents so that they can flourish in all areas. ‘Team GB’ are a dedicated, contented and motivated group of professionals, who want the very best for your children. I am very lucky to have such a great team!


    I know so many of you already. However, for those families who I have not yet personally met, please feel free to introduce yourself. I always have an ‘open door’ policy, where no conversation is ever too small and I hope to see many of you in the playground. Please speak to me if there is anything that you think we could be doing better as I know how vital working in partnerships with parents and carers really is in order for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience. In addition, I hope you will support our high expectations, especially in behaviour and achievement. We do have ‘non-negotiables’ in school and the children know what they are. For our younger children, who start their journey through school with me, it will not take them long to settle in and learn the ropes. I cannot wait to meet them all.


    I would like to thank you personally for your continued commitment and support towards staff, the pupils and myself. I feel extremely positive about the future of the school and look forward to you joining us on our journey – ‘The journey to outstanding!’


    Warm regards,


    Mrs Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher
