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Uniform Information


School uniform can be purchased directly from our suppliers,

Loop Wear and can be accessed by using the link  or by searching for Greasley Beauvale on the Loop Wear website


Lost property can be a problem in all schools and we are keen to prevent children from losing their uniform or belongings! We are aware that time is precious for our families, so we are pleased to have signed up to Stikins, to offer you quality labels for your child's school uniform, shoes and belongings - whilst earning commission for the school!


The labels simply stick on, with no ironing or sewing required. They are washing machine, tumble-dryer, dishwasher and even microwave-proof!


Use them on coats, clothing, lunch boxes, water bottles, shoes, bags, PE kits, glasses cases, trainers, musical instruments, phones etc.


To order, go and quote our unique code 36293.

Nearly New (Pre-Loved) Uniform


Parents and carers are able to donate any items of uniform to school when their child has outgrown them.  Items of uniform can be donated to school during 'donations week'. We will let parents and carers know when we are able to accept donations.


Each term, we make these items of pre-loved uniform available for parents and carers to purchase from school.  The school office will notify parents and carers, by email, when these will be available to buy.


If you require an item of pre-loved uniform at any other time, please speak with the school office so that they can show you what items are available to purchase.

Uniform Requirements 


The school uniform requirements are as follows:


  • White or light blue shirt or polo shirt
  • Dark blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without the school logo)
  • Black or grey trousers or shorts
  • Black or grey skirt, pinafore or culottes
  • Blue checked or striped summer dress
  • Dark, flat, shoes (no heels or trainers)


PE Kit


  • Plain black or navy shorts
  • Plain black or navy tracksuit/jogging bottoms
  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Dark pumps/plimsolls for indoor PE
  • Trainers for outdoor PE
  • Plain black or navy sweatshirt or zipped jacket
  • No logo t-shirts or hoodies/jumpers
  • No football/sports shirts


Children should come to school dressed in their PE kits and trainers on the relevant PE days.  The PE days are detailed on the individual class pages.


Sweatshirts, cardigans, fleece jackets, showerproof jackets, PE kits and book bags embroidered with the school logo can be ordered on the Loop Wear website (see the link above). However, it is not compulsory for children to wear uniform with the school logo.


Can you please ensure that all uniform, including shoes and trainers, are clearly marked with your child’s name to ensure that if any item is misplaced it can be returned to you.  We do have a large amount of lost property each term and this is the only way to ensure that items are returned to the correct person. 


Any unnamed items are kept in the lost property boxes.  At the end of each term, any items that remain unclaimed are donated to charity.


Jewellery and accessories


The following is allowed in school:

  • Watch;
  • One small pair of stud earrings;
  • Small hair accessories (of school colours).


Please note that no jewellery is allowed during PE lessons so please make sure that earrings are not worn on PE days unless your child is able to remove them by themselves. 


The following is not allowed in school:

  • Nail varnish/gels;
  • False nails;
  • Temporary tattoos;
  • Brightly coloured hair dye;
  • Elaborate hair accessories (e.g. brightly coloured bows or ribbons, extensions or large character headbands);
  • Any jewellery not stated above (e.g. large studs, character earrings, chains and necklaces);
  • Clothing with slogans.



