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Head Teacher's Blog

Hi all,


I hope that you are all having a good holiday and a well-deserved rest as you do your bit to support the community in the COVID-19 pandemic. School continues to be open for a few days throughout half term, for some children, to support frontline NHS workers in going to work at this difficult time.


There have been highs and lows for most, but my high today was hearing about one of our Year 6 children, who entered herself into a 'New Writers UK' story writing competition. 


Isobel, in Year 6, wrote an amazing story a few months ago and we have just found out that she is one of the finalists and will be congratulated at a prize-giving presentation in October (following delays due to COVID-19). Her story will also be published in a book - we are so proud of her.


Isobel has always loved story writing in school, but she has also always extended her studies from school topic work into writing pieces carried out at home. We are very impressed with Isobel's dedication to school life, both in and out of the building, and this reward is very well-deserved. 


I can't wait to see the final book and it feels like her time in year 6 has ended on a high at a time when life for her is a little different to normal as she leaves primary school. There have been no SATS for our year 6 children this year, due to the coronavirus and lockdown, but if the writing teacher assessment could have happened this year, I am confident that she would have met the standard with flying 'rainbow' colours.


Well done, Isobel. I know the class and Miss Marvin have really enjoyed sharing your story this year, but this goes to show that your hard work has been recognised by judges and will be celebrated in the coming months. 


Excellent achievement and thanks for sharing. 


Keep safe and keep smiling,


Mrs Bates :) 
