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Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) at Greasley Beauvale Primary School, for this academic year is £102,246.


The Recovery Premium Grant (RPG) for this academic year is approximately £9,570 (exact amount will depend on census information).

What is the Pupil Premium Grant?


Introduced in 2011, the Pupil Premium Grant is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of children.


This is based on research showing that children from low income families perform less well at school than their peers. Often, but not always, children who are entitled to Pupil Premium face challenges such as poor language and communication skills, less family support, lack of confidence and issues with attendance and punctuality. The Pupil Premium Grant is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible, helping to diminish the difference between them and their classmates.


Children who are eligible for means tested Free School Meals are also eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant. 


What is the Recovery Premium Grant?


The Recovery Premium Grant started in 2021 as part of the government's package of funding to support pupils whose education has been impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19). It is focused on pupil premium eligible children because of the additional impact of the pandemic on many of these learners. However, the school can use the funding to support any pupil where a need has been identified.


How can I ensure the school gets the funding for my child?


The more eligible pupils that are registered the more funding the school receives. Registering does not mean that your child has to have school dinners.

You should still register for even if:

  • Your child already receives free school meals (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2)
  • You would rather your child had a different meal, such as a packed lunch


Last updated: December 2023

Next update due: September 2024


Lead adults in school for Pupil Premium:

 Mrs Lisa Clarke - Assistant Head Teacher

 Mrs Emma Poxon - School Business Manager and Governor


Further details about Pupil Premium (PP) and Free School Meals (FSM) at Greasley Beauvale Primary School can be found in the links below.
