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  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 28 Feb 2020 Mrs Bates

    Week Ending 28th February 2020


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Samardeep – Yellow 1 – For her fantastic cold write for instructions. She took her time to check her sentences for spellings and punctuation. Super use of time connectives


    Jake – Yellow 1 - For his fantastic effort and improvement in his handwriting. He is now using joining letters whenever he writes. Super improvement – keep it up!



    Current attendance results are as follows:


    1st place goes to yellow 1 and Indigo 2 for 100% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Blue 2 for 99.6% attendance.



    Welcome back to the Spring term everyone. I can’t quite believe that we are already half way through the academic year. The children have settled well and we have had a good week settling back into the spring term ‘Explore’ topics. I have enjoyed spending time in classrooms this week and looking through the books. The children are making some effective progress and we are proud of the developments we are making to our own version of the National Curriculum. It also looks like you as parents and carers are impressed too. Take a look at the results of the survey we sent out to you all before half term:



    Thank you to everyone who contributed to the results of the survey. We had almost 140 responses and overall the results were extremely positive. We are proud of the subject offers in place and the way in which we organise the knowledge and skills for the children to be taught and develop over time.


    In addition, we are very proud of our sporting success this week:


    A huge well done to this year's Greasley Beauvale swim team! 


    Miss Marvin, Mr Smith and Mrs Poxon took 17 of our KS2 children to this year's gala, and each and every one of them made a fantastic effort, made even more impressive by the fact that a number of our children had never swam in a gala before! There were some nail-biting neck and neck sprint finals, an exciting Canon Relay (where we came a close second!) and some fun races too. A special mention to Brooklyn and Abigail who won the Year 5 Boy's Backstroke and Year 3/4 Girl's Backstroke races!


    We are so proud of each and every member of our team - they all made a fantastic effort, represented our school brilliantly and should be exceptionally proud of themselves. We're already looking forward to next year!


    Remember that next Thursday is World Book Day and the children can dress as a book-related character or come in their bedtime reading PJs. We will have fun with books throughout the day and develop a love of reading in the process. I can’t wait already!


    Have a great weekend everyone. Let's hope for some sunshine and dry weather!


    Warm regards,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Thu 13 Feb 2020 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 14th February 2020


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    1st place goes to yellow 2 and blue 2 for 100% attendance.

    2nd place goes to yellow 1 for 99.3% attendance.

    3rd place goes to blue 1 for 98.5% attendance.


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Sophia – Orange 2 – For working so hard with Miss Schofield whilst writing a lovely postcard to Beegu. Miss Schofield was so impressed with how neat and carefully sounded out it was. Beautiful writing!


    Mason – Orange 2 – for trying really hard with his finger spaces. He has been using a lollipop stick to help him, but today he did a lovely piece of writing (writing a postcard to Beegu) without using the stick. Now, the writing is super easy to read.


    Red 2 – Harry – For his super fluent reading. He is trying so hard to read without sounding out. I listened to him read and he was very expressive, confident and accurate. Keep it up, Harry, and well done.


    Ila - Indigo 1 - For her resilience and hard work in our latest science lesson, where she had to write at length about friction and its effects.


    Ashton - Indigo 1 - For putting in so much effort into extending learning at home (and this includes every piece of homework!) 


    Nadia - Indigo 1 - For amazing topic homework created this term around the rainforests. 


    Amber – yellow 1 – For her fantastic book review all about the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. Super sharing of ideas and presentation. Even super spellings. Well done!



    A big thanks to Alice in year 2 this week, who made me a fabulous picture and rainbow keyring. It totally made my week and gave us a super opportunity to discuss the rainbow values and what we aim to cover as a school throughout the years at primary school. A reminder of the Rainbow Values, which are at the heart of everything we do:


    Our Rainbow values are:


    Respect and acceptance – “Everyone is equal, everyone is unique”


    Active body and active mind – “Take ownership over your health and well-being”


    Inclusive yet individual – “Embrace diversity and be proud of who you are”


    Nurture, develop and grow – “Persevere and take risks with your talents  and potential”


    Believe in yourself – “Be confident in your choices”


    Overcome your obstacles – “Be brave, show resilience and challenge yourself”


    Wonder and curiosity – “Ask questions and seek answers”


    At Greasley Beauvale Primary School, follow the Rainbow Values to


    “Paint Your Own Rainbow



    Well, I can’t believe that it’s the end of the half term today already. A reminder that tomorrow is an INSET day and we return to school again on Monday 24th February 2020. A super cold week in school and we even had snow. However, despite the wintery weather, the children have been on top form and continue to be the very best that they can be.


    On Monday, the year 5 children battled the snow, hail, wind and rain to walk to Hall Park for their secondary ‘taster’ day. I am told that they had a super experience and thoroughly enjoyed the day and opportunities. This is what Mrs Parnell had to say about the day and the children’s experiences:


    “Year 5 were treated to a taster day on Monday this week at Hall Park Academy. The children completed a variety of lessons including: French, Computing, PE and Art and they all certainly got a taste of secondary school life. They also had an assembly that encouraged them to think of what mark they will make and leave behind at school and in life. Perhaps the biggest surprise of the day was the snow that fell just in time to make our walk back to school slightly different.

    Thank you to all the parents that volunteered to help us walk to and from the school.”


    On Tuesday, it was Safer Internet Day where the children had lessons surrounding how to safe in the digital world and beyond. All the staff talked to the children (at an age-appropriate level) about the dangers of the internet, gaming and social media, but also the advantages when used appropriately and safely.


    This work was continued by Lorna Naylor, from the Local Authority, who did a session on internet safety for parents on Wednesday evening. Thanks to all of the parents who attended. For those who could not make it, the slides that she used (and additional guidance) has been added by Mr Honey on the following page of the website


    Thursday morning started well with the trials for the swimming gala. Mrs Poxon and Miss Marvin are choosing the team as I type, and I look forward to future successful updates.


    A polite reminder as we end the half term about school uniform, PE kit, hair styles and accessories. We have noticed recently that uniform has lapsed slightly, and I would just like to draw your attention to the information shared when starting school and the guidance on the website page regarding uniform - . Thank you for your support in advance


    Have a great half term, everyone. Stay safe, have fun and we look forward to seeing you all again in the second half of the spring term.


    Have a great weekend everyone.


    Warm regards,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 07 Feb 2020 Mrs Bates

    Week Ending 7th February 2020


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Evelyn – Red 2 – For some fantastic morning writing. Evelyn wrote two sentences independently and was able to tell me all about sound buttons, digraphs and blending from her phonics learning.


    Hunter – Red 2 – For knowing to come inside and call for an adult when Mrs Greaves fell over outside. This was a very sensible and kind thing to do, Hunter – well done and thank you!


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    1st place goes to orange 1 for 99.2% attendance.

    2nd and 3rd place goes to Violet 2 and Indigo 2 for 98.6% attendance.


    On Tuesday, year 5 were involved in a fantastic day with the minister from the Ministry of Chocolate. Indigo 1 and 2 listened to how chocolate is made, designed their own chocolate, tested chocolate (using all 5 senses) and learnt more fascinating facts related to Fairtrade and chocolate. There were many hands on activities, which had the children mesmerised for the entire session. Overall, it was brilliant day! It was presented in a thoroughly entertaining way and the event really helped to enhance the learning within year 5.


    On a sporting note, last November, some children competed in a local area school’s cross-country competition at Hall Park Academy. There were approximately 200 children that took part. The top 6 children were taken to the county finals, which took place last Saturday in Mansfield. William (year 6), who was placed 3rd in the area trials, ran last Saturday. He came 23rd from an incredibly packed field of runners. A huge congratulations to him. We are so proud!



    A reminder that 'Safer Internet Day' is approaching. As a result of this, we have organised a parent session on Wednesday 12th February at 2pm with Lorna Naylor, who works for the local authority. She will lead a session with parents, and then teachers after school, about online safety and how to stay safe when using a variety of different devices, games and sites.

    Whilst children are at school, they are supervised when using the internet. Understandably, children cannot always be so closely supervised when away from school using technology in their everyday lives. The internet is ever changing and this session may give you as parents and carers a greater level of confidence to help keep your children safe online.

    A letter with this same information was sent from Mr Honey a few weeks ago, so please remember to complete the slip so we are aware of the number of seats to reserve.

    Thanks in advance for support in this area, and we hope that many of you can make it.


    Have a great weekend everyone.


    Warm regards,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher
