Welcome back and I really hope that you have all had a safe, enjoyable and fantastic summer holiday!
I am delighted to be writing this first blog to you as your new Head Teacher. I feel very privileged to be following in the footsteps of Mrs Chambers. I am proud to have worked at this school for the last two years, but now feel in a very lucky position to lead it through its next stages – ‘The journey to outstanding!’ I would like to say thank you to Mrs Chambers for her support in ensuring the transition into this role has been as smooth and effective as possible.
Being a mother myself, to my 8 year old daughter Maisie, I am very much aware of the responsibility that ‘Team GB’ and I have in ensuring that your children receive the highest standard of teaching and learning, but also that they enjoy their learning and have fun. I strongly believe achievement and enjoyment go hand in hand to ensure each child makes progress.
My priority, as Head Teacher, is to ensure that Greasley Beauvale Primary School continues to build on the vision that we already have in place. As a staff, we will make sure that the children continue to be at the centre of the curriculum, ensuring that they have a sense of ownership and excitement over their learning. It is also important that the children show us their love of learning through their behaviour and demonstrate a positive desire to want to do well and succeed. I feel passionate about teachers building on their knowledge of all the children and nurturing their talents so that they can flourish in all areas. ‘Team GB’ are a dedicated, contented and motivated group of professionals, who want the very best for your children. I am very lucky to have such a great team!
I know so many of you already. However, for those families who I have not yet personally met, please feel free to introduce yourself. I always have an ‘open door’ policy, where no conversation is ever too small and I hope to see many of you in the playground. Please speak to me if there is anything that you think we could be doing better as I know how vital working in partnerships with parents and carers really is in order for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience. In addition, I hope you will support our high expectations, especially in behaviour and achievement. We do have ‘non-negotiables’ in school and the children know what they are. For our younger children, who start their journey through school with me, it will not take them long to settle in and learn the ropes. I cannot wait to meet them all.
I would like to thank you personally for your continued commitment and support towards staff, the pupils and myself. I feel extremely positive about the future of the school and look forward to you joining us on our journey – ‘The journey to outstanding!’
Warm regards,
Mrs Michelle Bates
Head Teacher