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  • Weekly Newsletter

    Fri 06 Oct 2023 Mrs Bates

    As we approach the weekend, please see the link for the weekly newsletter:



    Take care everyone, 


    Mrs Bates 

  • Head Teachers Awards

    Thu 05 Oct 2023 Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher Awards this week...


    Harper - Blue 1 - for her amazing dedication to home learning. Harper is ALWAYS spelling, reading or writing to extend her learning. What a fantastic attitude.


    Mya - Green 1 - for her incredible hard work in science. She completed a detailed independent piece of writing about rocks and their uses, complete with annotated drawings. She also edited this to make it even better! 

  • Harvest Festival

    Tue 03 Oct 2023 Mrs Bates

    Harvest Festival 


    A huge thank you today for all the donations of food packets, tins and boxes of harvested produce. The assembly was lovely this morning as we were visited by Rev' Denise Dodd and farmer Michael. 


    The children listened very attentively to both visitors talking about the crops and the importance of a good harvest. The importance of the weather and the timing of the harvesting was discussed, and farmer Michael talked about this being an indicator of a good or bad summer. 


    Denise talked about the importance of the food we eat, and what we should be thankful for. She talked about the importance of kindness and how sometimes we give to others who are less fortunate than ourselves. 


    Thank you so much for you donations of food packets and tins. You can see from the photos attached what we were provided with and these will be gifted to the Eastwood food bank later this week. 


    The children used their WONDER AND CURIOSITY and asked some great questions. They were RESPECTFUL and showed their INCLUSIVITY. 


    Thank you to our visitors and to Mr Khan for organising the harvest assembly.


    We look forward to sharing the produce and goods with people within the community 


    A very happy, Mrs Bates
