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    Wed 28 Jul 2021 School Office

    Summer Raffle and School Fundraising



    We’d like to extend a big thank you to anyone that purchased a ticket for our summer raffle, or supported this fundraiser by donating a prize! The draw has been made and the winners informed of their prizes. We are very pleased to confirm that you have helped us to raise £660! Our summer movie night also raised a further £790 and we again thank you and the children for supporting this fun event in school. All funds raised will go towards our exciting plans to create a new school library next academic year!


    Our supporters using the easyfundraising app have also helped us to raise £140.67 to date! This is from simply registering with easyfundraising and making online purchases through the app. We are even able to receive donations from retailers when you organise your insurances, book your holidays or rearrange your utilities.


    If you’re not already signed up, it only takes a few minutes, then you can begin using the easyfundraising website or app straightaway - simply shop online as normal. This will be an enormous help to the school, at no extra cost to yourself:


    Thank you once again for all your support and we wish you a restful summer break.


    Wed 28 Jul 2021 Mrs Bates

    Dear Greasley Beauvale Whole-School Community,


    WOW, what a year! In fact, the second academic ‘WOW’ year within this pandemic! A year of bubbles working from home, personal isolations, national school closures and with many new ‘norms’ to deal with.


    Last year, I wrote in my final communication update that we had better times ahead. However, it has taken longer than expected to get there! This time, we certainly have hope. I really do believe that beyond isolating, in September, we can hopefully regain the old norm and get back to many things we have missed so much.


    I would like to thank all of you who have supported us in our decisions over the last 16 months and to those who have sent emails, messages and gifts to support both myself, the senior team and the rest of the staff over the past year. Overall, you have continued to show perseverance, understanding and patience (whilst no doubt feeling incredibly frustrated at times and tired of the challenges that COVID-19 has thrown at you).


    Once again, this year has been hard for many. However, I have the utmost respect for the staff and children, who have got through another tough year and delivered expectations every day to an admirable standard. Thank you to each and every one of you for tuning into learning every day and doing the best that you possibly can on a daily basis. Everyone in school has stuck together and despite the pandemic, has worked on keeping spirits high and driving the school forwards.


    At this point, I would like to give a special mention to our Year 6 children. Like last year’s cohort, they have had a very different end to primary school. We are very proud of them and wish them all the very best for the future in their new secondary schools. I hope that they take many great memories with them of their 7 years with us.


    To everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to say that you have shown incredible strength, helped in the fight against coronavirus, followed numerous pieces of guidance and continued to be dedicated participants of school life. This has been a tough time for everyone, but I repeat what I said last year … in later life, we will look back with pride and understand the role we have all played in helping others as well as yourselves.


    Last week, I sent guidance out about our new plans for September; what we have learnt and what we will change. This was a refreshing change to COVID news and I cannot wait to get back to business with you all in September.


    From me to you, I wish you a safe and happy summer. We will be back together again soon on Wednesday 1st September 2021, after the INSET day. The main thing now is to relax over summer and have a proper rest.


    Have a safe holiday, keep positive and never forget to smile!


    Yours sincerely,


    Mrs Bates : )

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Wed 28 Jul 2021 Mrs Bates

    Term Ending 28th July 2021


    Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is in line with the national average and consistent at 96.4%




    1st place goes to Green 2 for 98.02% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 1 for 97.79% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Indigo 2 for 97.56% attendance.


    Well done everyone. It has been a tough year and these classes have competed with each other now for a long time. Well done, Year 3 and Mrs Parnell’s class!


    Extra playtime for you today 


    Have a good summer and rest


    Mrs Bates :)


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 23 Jul 2021 Mrs Bates

    Week Ending 23rd July 2021


    Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is in line with the national average and consistent at 96.6%%


    1st place goes to Green 2 for 98.16% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 1 for 97.98% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Indigo 2 for 97.64% attendance.


    Current attendance results, for this week, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage has remained slightly low at 92.5%


    1st place goes to Green 2 for 98.96% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 1 for 96.50% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Indigo 1 for 95.68% attendance.


    Head Teachers’ Awards this week go to:


    Jenson – Red 1 – For applying his super shape knowledge to create Grandpa’s bed and quilt.


    Benji – Red 1 – For trying so hard to follow instructions in phonics and for beautiful letter formation.


    Evie-Jade – For super sentence writing and fantastic reasoning.


    Jenson – Red 1 – For trying is absolute best in phonics and being a professor perseverance.


    Liam – Yellow 1 – For making excellent progress in writing. He is writing on the lines, using finger spacing and excellent punctuation. He wrote a great letter the other day that also included him placing the address accurately.


    It was great to hear that the Year 3 trip to Colwick Park went well last Friday. Like the Year 2’s, they enjoyed the great outdoors and the adventurous activities on offer. They took part in activities that tested their abilities and skills in many areas and allowed them to work on team building skills also. Despite the hot weather, they were very excited to be going out into the open; leaving the school building; getting on a bus for the first time in a long time and venturing out to take part in a great adventurous day out. Thanks to the Year 3 team for organising the trip and taking park, and to Mrs Beddoe who also went to support the team in a time of increasing absence due to COVID isolations. I saw the children as they came back to school, and they had beaming smiles and said how much they enjoyed the day! What a great way to end a week as we approach the end of term. Year 6 also look forward to their trip on Monday.


    A super start to the week as we started with ‘Freedom Day’. Remember to take a look at the guidance that was sent over last weekend. This detailed your responsibilities as parents to inform Test and Trace of you or your child’s ‘close contacts’ from now on. We of course can support, but we no longer have the right to close bubbles, unless in the case of an outbreak. Unfortunately, many children and staff were still in isolation this week. Despite more ‘freedom’, this has still not gone away yet and we all still need to be careful.


    On Tuesday, the school building felt a little quieter as the Year 6 children were at Hall Park Academy (or other school) as part of their transition into secondary life. I believe they enjoyed the day and were responsible for their own journey to and from home. We are very proud of them and hope that the last few days at Greasley go well for them.


    This week, in school, there were other transition events taking place for the children moving up to new teachers. This of course could not involve crossing bubbles. Therefore, we managed live TEAMS events with new teachers, writing letters to each other and discussions amongst the adults about their new class and children. I cannot believe we now only have a week to go!


    In other news, Mr Leyshon has become a father for the third time. On Wednesday, Mrs Leyshon gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He weighed in at 7lbs 1oz. Mother and baby are doing well and we welcome baby ‘Harrison Benjamin Leyshon’ to Team GB. Congratulations, Mr Leyshon and we cannot wait to meet the wee little one.


    This week, I have wrote out to parents and carers regarding the plans for September – the things we intend to change and what we have learnt and will keep the same. We were pleased to be sending out good news that a level of ‘norm’ can be regained and that positivity was shared. It was so nice to receive messages of joy and thanks and one email made me very proud and happy…


    Hello Mrs Bates,


    I hope you're well. Sorry for emailing you as I appreciate your inbox is probably packed, but I just wanted to say how lovely it was to receive the September plans letter. 


    I understand it could be very much subject to change but the thought of a 'normal' year for the children and the staff made me feel emotional and hopeful. 


    I also just wanted to say a big thank you to you, and the school as a whole for what I feel has been excellent communication and handling of the pandemic as a whole from the school. I don't envy the decisions you have had to make at times but I feel it's been handled admirably. 


    Thank you again, and I hope you and your family have a great summer holiday.


    Have a great weekend everyone!


    Warmest wishes,

    Mrs Bates


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Mon 19 Jul 2021 Mrs Bates

    Transition News for some Year 6 children:


    We received an email today about some of our Year 6 children who had an additional visit to Hall Park Academy as part of their transition:



    Please can you pass on to your Head how fantastic your students were this morning. 

    Their manners were impeccable and they asked some really important and useful questions. 

    I hope they found the visit useful and I will see them all again tomorrow.

    Many thanks


    A delightful message to receive - well done, children!

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 16 Jul 2021 Mrs Bates

    Week Ending 16th July 2021


    Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is in line with the national average and consistent at 96.6%%


    1st place goes to Green 2 for 98.14% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 1 for 98.04% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Indigo 2 for 97.68% attendance.


    Current attendance results, for this week, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage has dipped slightly to 92.49% (holidays, football….etc)

    1st place goes to Red 1 for 98.76% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Violet 2 for 97.06% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Indigo 1 for 97.97% attendance.


    A busy week this week as children continue to plough through their learning, find out their new classes and receive school reports. We are exceptionally proud of how children are driving through learning as they approach the end of term.


    The end is in sight, but with a week and a half to go, we are still driving for quality and high expectations.


    Have a restful hot and sunny weekend in the sunshine, and please look out for any updates concerning ‘Freedom Day’ on the 19th July (Monday).


    Warmest wishes,

    Mrs Bates


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Sun 11 Jul 2021 Mrs Bates

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    The government has announced that from 19th July 2021, there will be significant changes around Covid-19 and the measures that currently exist. The government guidance for schools from this month onwards has just been released, and we are now using this to plan for the new academic year in September. We will be able to make some adjustments and relax a few things around our school, but we will be in contact with all of the details for the new academic year as soon as possible.


    For the final week and a half of this term, beyond the 19th July, we have taken the decision not to make any instant changes. This is an option given to schools by the DfE. The systems we have in place will exist until the end of this term.


    For now, all measures (isolation periods, staggered starts, one way system, PE kits, masks etc) will remain in place until the day we break up on the 28th July 2021. To make any large-scale changes for the few days of term seems unwise and may lead to confusion for all concerned, and an additional layer of risk.


    Continue to keep safe and well.


    Yours sincerely,


    Mrs Bates

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Sat 10 Jul 2021 Mrs Bates

    Reception 'new starter' transition Day 


    We opened our days today (yes, on a Saturday) to welcome our new Reception starters for a transition day. 


    Transition visits were allowed this year. However, we have had to adapt to COVID restrictions and that's why we did today, whilst the rest of the children were at home. 


    It was so lovely to see so many new faces and to see them exploring in small groups of no more than 3 families in each classroom. They were happy, smiling and 'full of beans' - some didn't even want to leave us! 


    We look forward to them joining us in September and hope they had a great morning.


    Thanks to all the Reception staff for September 2021 coming along to meet everyone!  

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 09 Jul 2021 Mrs Bates

    Week Ending 9th July 2021


    Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is in line with the national average at 96.7%%


    1st place goes to Green 2 for 98.18% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 1 for 98.05% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Yellow 2 for 97.68% attendance.


    Current attendance results, for this week, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage has increased slightly to 93.7%


    1st place goes to Indigo 1 for 99.23% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Indigo 1 for 97.96% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Green 2 for 97.39% attendance.


    Head Teachers’ Awards this week have been awarded to:


    Archie – Red 2 – For his amazing effort in our football match today! He scored 4 goals and even carried on when he fell over! Well done, Archie!


    Rosa and Abigail – Indigo 2 – For completing some lovely writing on resilience and redemption, relating it to the Euros



    What a week in the world of football, and whether you like football or not, children have learnt a lot about the history of England over the past week.


    Due to England’s win on Wednesday night, we chose to have a ‘red, white and blue day’ today. All the children wore these colours to celebrate the fact that our country has made history by getting to the final of the Euros for the first time in the last 55 years.


    During the day, the children learnt about the history of the competition and watched some historic goal scoring, penalty shootouts and defeats. It was also compared to the World Cup history in some classes. We have enjoyed the day and we all look forward to the final on Sunday evening. This was out way of celebrating! : )


    Just to inform you that we do intend to start school at normal time on Monday morning. We appreciate that some children will be more tired. However, we do not intend to delay the start of the school day. We hope you understand our decision and hope you will support us in ensuring that your children see the importance of punctuality.


    Thank you to everyone who donated to the non-uniform day – I will share the final amount when the money has been counted.


    Have a super weekend and enjoy the match.



    Warmest wishes,

    Mrs Bates


  • Update on year 2 trip

    Mon 05 Jul 2021 Mrs Beddoe

    Friday was an exciting day for year two when we visited Colwick Park Adventure Centre. The children took part in three activities: canoe rafting, a scavenger hunt in the forest and a campfire session around the fire pit. 


    Before the boats were launched from the pontoon, our guide Andy showed the children how to tie a cleat hitch knot which was used to tie planks to the canoes to join them together to make a canoe-raft. The children embraced this responsibility and after a quick physics lesson on rowing they carried the canoe-rafts to the lake and set off to row around the island. We were extremely proud that all of the children took part in this adventurous activity. 


    In the forest, we took part in a scavenger hunt where we learnt about leaf shapes and the different seeds that the trees produced. We were all able to hold a real birds nest that had been found in the forest before having the opportunity to make our own nests and habitats for the wildlife. At the fire-pit, our guide Paddy asked everyone to close their eyes and listen for two minutes before asking the children to share what they had heard. They managed to identify three different bird songs as well as hearing the crackling fire and even the wings of a dragonfly.  It was wonderful to be in such a tranquil environment and see the children try new experiences with such enthusiasm.
