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  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 27 Nov 2020 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 27th November 2020


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage has grown slightly this week to 96.9%


    1st place goes to Indigo 2 for 98.3% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 1 for 98.1% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Orange 1 for 97.9% attendance.


    This week the following children have gained a Head Teacher's Award:


    Harper - Orange 2 - for always going above and beyond with her homework. Most recently, Harper brought in an amazing piece of independent writing all about animals


    Milo - Orange 2 - For completing a detailed and careful piece of tiger artwork inspired by 'Stephanie Stouffer' 


    Ava-Grace - Orange 2 - For making significant changes to some of the choices she makes. Ava-Grace has been kind, reflective and much more sensible in the classroom and during the school day




    I have sent out lots of information this week about Christmas at Greasley and what we plan to do to ensure that the festive period is a special time in school. We hope that you like the ideas and are looking forward to your child’s Christmas in school too. Next week we will see the Christmas trees going up in the school hall and around the entrance. I personally can’t wait to see the smiles over the next few weeks as Christmas starts to arrive.


    Before the Christmas season gets into full swing, children will be completing their autumn term assessments. Data will then be used to complete your child’s autumn term report and we also hope that you will engage in our planned virtual parents evenings. More details to follow…


    A gentle reminder that we are still in a national lockdown position until the middle of next week, when Nottingham enter back into Tier 3 restrictions. Please follow the link below to help you work out what this ‘Very High Alert’ means for us all:


    Local restriction tiers: what you need to know - GOV.UK (


    Despite this information, keep safe, keep smiling and thanks for the support in advance.


    Warmest regards,


    Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Thu 19 Nov 2020 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 19th November 2020


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is now consistent at 96.7%


    1st place goes to Indigo 2 for 98.24% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 1 and Orange 1 for 98.01% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Red 2 for 97.47% attendance.


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Alfie – Yellow 1 – For his Frida kahlo fact file. He has taken real care to present his ideas in the style of Frida’s artwork, with bright colours and vines in the background. What a lot of facts included too! Well done, Alfie!


    Eleanor - Violet 2 - For exceptional writing. Eleanor always writes well, but today she has surpassed even her own highest standards.


    I have sent out lots of information this week about forthcoming assessments, reports and planned parental consultations. In addition, I have made you aware of Government guidelines for parents and carers. I appreciate that there is a lot to share currently so please do contact us if you have any questions.


    A reminder that we are in a national lockdown position. We are hearing of children’s parties, gatherings with friends, walks during isolation periods and more. This week, I was made aware of social media coverage with regards to cases. However, the support from parents and the school community was heart-warming and encouraging to read. As a school, we are following the guidance, minimising contact between bubbles and have an enhanced cleaning regime in place (which I have first-hand experience of!) and an excessive risk assessment. I would just kindly ask that we all follow the national guidance, minimise contact with others, isolate where informed to, keep safe and help save everyone’s Christmas. If there is a positive case in school during the last week of term, bubbles will still be closed, people will be asked to self-isolate for 14 days and that could ruin Christmas for many (parents, carers, staff, grandparents etc…) I have everything crossed in the lead up to Christmas, but everyone has to play their part too. Thanks in advance for supporting the community with this!


    Another great week in school. Children are working really hard and fully engaged with their learning. We are starting to see children ‘catching up’ and progress is being made, but further work is to be done over the coming weeks and months. The children are coping really well, and I am very proud! I am especially proud of our Reception children, who have settled so well into the school’s way of life, systems and routines. They make me smile daily as they walk into school and their manners are impeccable. They are truly engaged in their learning and their love of books, reading and phonics is impressive! I am so proud of their start to school, and I am very optimistic for their time in Reception and beyond.


    A reminder that we have an INSET day tomorrow and school will be closed for training. We will be working on our exciting and challenging curriculum, plans for the spring and learning environments. We very much look forward to seeing you again on Monday.


    Keep safe, keep smiling and thanks for the support in advance.


    Warmest regards,


    Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 13 Nov 2020 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 13th November 2020


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is now consistent at 96.8%


    1st place goes to Indigo 2 for 98.24% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 1 for 98.11% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Orange 1 for 97.99% attendance.


    A busy week in school and lots of great work happening across the year groups. I am most impressed by the children’s resilience, patience and ability to cope during these difficult times as children isolate, and bubbles are sent home. Thank you to those who are supporting their children through it all and really trying your best too.


    Unfortunately, I heard of a dispute this morning on Dunster Road. Once again, this was over parking during the school run and an argument between a lady and gentleman. The argument escalated to loud aggressive swearing apparently and children were in ear shot. Please be mindful of the children during the school run, residents, issues with parking close to school and language in the community. This is not something we can police or enforce, but I kindly ask you to ‘take a breath’ when dealing with issues and consider the people around you, especially the children! Thank you.


    Today was Children in Need and thanks for all your support and donations. School raised £302.71 and what a great cause to send that money to.


    Thank everyone and take care.


    Warmest regards,


    Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 06 Nov 2020 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 6th November 2020


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is now consistent at 96.7%


    1st place goes to Green 1 for 98.01% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Indigo 2 for 97.99% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Green 2 for 97.96% attendance.


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Charlie-Jak, Lily and Harvey – Indigo 1 – For being very kind, courteous and considerate of others when buying snap bands from the Poppy shop (and there wasn’t enough for everyone!)


    Kenny – Indigo 1 – For having the best week since September! He has gone out of his way all week to make sensible choices and work hard.


    Haydn and Harry – Indigo 2 – For having the confidence in a class discussion to talk through a maths problem, using the key vocabulary required for reasoning (with examples and mathematical fact).


    Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term. It was so lovely to see people return to school so positively, despite a local lockdown looming. It was great to hear that the half term holidays had gone well for most and everyone is staying as safe as physically possible. We are pleased to say that we currently have all bubbles open in school and the cases have dropped since before half term – what great news…and long may it continue!


    This half term, we have resumed the ‘Create term’, where children are developing their skills, knowledge and creative techniques through art, design technology, PE and the performing arts. I have seen some fabulous work and skills developing and the displays are starting to showcase some super pieces. We also had a staff meeting this week, where we began to look at the development of the children’s sketchbooks - I was astounded by the quality!


    Keep safe, happy and well everyone. Have a good weekend. The Local Authority have written to all parents and carers this week to remind them of the national lockdown restrictions and how to manage COVID cases at this difficult time! We all know that we need to follow these to keep safe.


    Warmest regards,


    Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher

