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  • Head Teacher's Blog!

    Fri 25 Jan 2019 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 25th January 2019


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Lily-Mae – Green 2 – For her focus and attention to detail. These skills have led her to ‘overcome her obstacles’ with the expanded grid method. Super presentation and accuracy!


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    1st place goes to Green 1 and Indigo 1 for 98.6% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Red 1 for 97.9% attendance.


    Week Ending 25th January 2019


    Wow…an extremely busy week in school. The majority of my week was spent visiting all classes, teachers, TAs and children to see what a typical day at Greasley Beauvale is like day in, day out.


    I really enjoyed watching all lessons and it is clear that the children really are developing in confidence and becoming much more independent. It is evident that the Rainbow Values really are shining through and the children are learning not only what they stand for but also how to use and embed them throughout their learning.


    On Thursday, a visitor joined me in observing lessons and she commented on what a happy and respectful bunch of people we have in school (both staff and children). In addition, how well-mannered and polite the children are, and how they are clearly enjoying their learning and curriculum. She commented also on the ethos of the school and how the Rainbow Values are clearly having an impact on our children.


    As a school, we will continue to work on challenging the children to do their very best in lessons, produce their very best work and make further progress.


    Have a great weekend everyone, and I look forward already to another super week next week.


    Warm regards,

    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog!

    Fri 18 Jan 2019 Mrs Michelle Bates


    Week Ending 18th January 2019


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Jake – Red 2 – For believing in himself and developing his phonics with confidence. This enabled him to draw and label a swordfish to match the class story. Well done, Jake!


    Ella – Red 2 – For making excellent progress with number recognition. She was able to write and read the number 1, 2, 6 and 8 with confidence. Excellent, Ella!


    Skyla – Red 1 – For writing a super piece of independent writing, about her favourite character from the poems, using excellent phonics skills. Super, Skyla


    Positive praise home is as follows:


    Charlie S – Year 6 – For a consistently positive attitude to school, school rules and Rainbow Values. In addition, being welcoming to new children to school and ensuring that they settle in well and get support when they need it most. A true role model…Thank you, Charlie.


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    1st place goes to Indigo 2 and Yellow 1 for 100% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Indigo 1 for 99.1% attendance.


    Week Ending 18th January 2019


    A busy week in school and already a third of the way through the first Autumn Term. This week, Miss Marvin is updating you all on the highlight of the week for Violet 2 on their link project visit:


    On Monday, Violet 2 travelled to the Newstead Centre for our first ‘linking’ day, where we met the Year 5/6 ‘Kestrels’ class from Roundhill Primary School in Beeston.


    The aim of the Linking Project is to get to know children from another locality in Nottingham, and to build self-esteem and confidence through the use of arts and crafts and drama.


    Throughout the Autumn term, we wrote poems and created some artwork about our individual and joint identity, and we had shared this with our new class. So, we were really excited (and also a bit nervous!) to meet them!


    After arriving at the Newstead Centre, we 'got stuck in' and played some games with the children from Roundhill. It was a bit nerve-wracking initially, mixing with other children we didn't know, but the other school were really friendly (just like us!), so it didn't take us long to relax and enjoy the games!


    After this, we spent the rest of the day in constantly changing groups, and we made some lanterns out of willow which represented us and our community, played more 'getting to know you' games, and performed some brilliant (and hilarious!) drama routines.


    It was a brilliant day, and all the children came back to school, buzzing about the new friends they had made 😊


    We had a FANTASTIC day, and are really looking forward to seeing our new friends in the future!


    Miss Marvin (Violet 2)



    Have a great weekend everyone and I look forward already to another super week next week


    Warm regards,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher


    Wed 16 Jan 2019 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Please take a look below at all the uniform we had in lost property with no name in on Monday. This collection of lost property was on view in the community room yesterday after school and this morning. The unclaimed items were collected today by the Salvation Army for a small donation to school fund. 


    Please, please, please add names to all school items so we don't end up in this position again.  


    Thank you in advance


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher 

  • 100% Attendance Awards

    Fri 11 Jan 2019 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Today, we celebrated in assembly all of the children who achieved 100% attendance in the autumn term. We gave out 139 certificates in total and all of these children were placed into a prize draw for a £10 book voucher. 


    Well done to Kieran in year 5, whose name was pulled out and achieved the award.


    Obviously, children are not expected to be in school when they are poorly and I know that some children strive hard to be in school 100% of the time and get upset when they are not. 


    Attendance is important for many different reasons, and we are pleased with our whole school percentage of 96%. However, we are realistic and just aim for the best that we can possibly achieve (both personally and as a whole school community).


    Thank you with your support on attendance and punctuality. 


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher 

  • Head Teacher's Blog!

    Thu 10 Jan 2019 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 11th January 2019


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Liam – Year 6 – for persevering with his sketching of 'Rang-tan'. He used the advice from 'Austin's Butterfly' to critique his work and make improvements. the result is truly something to be proud of!


    Welcome back to the first school week of 2019. We all hope that you had a truly wonderful Christmas and we wish you all the very best for the New Year.


    This week we have had a new teacher join the staffing team. Following Mrs Carlton’s departure just before the Christmas holidays, we welcome Mrs Parnell to blue two. She has made a great start this week and the children are already settled and excited about the remaining months of this academic year.


    Similarly, the whole school has settled into the new term well and work towards new topics and targets have already commenced. The teachers are positive about the terms ahead and are eager to make a difference this year! Our year 2 and 6 children will now be preparing for their assessments in the summer. However, the curriculum will continue to be rich and exciting and we have many things planned for the children this year.


    Thank you for all the support so far this academic year. I am very open to comments and ways in which we can improve. Therefore, please speak to me if there is anything you want to discuss or any further suggestions you have for us as a school.


    Have a great weekend everyone and I look forward already to another super week next week.


    Warm regards,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher
