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  • Head Teacher Blog

    Fri 24 Feb 2023 Mrs Bates

    A FANTASTIC first week back. The children were engaged right from the start and the week started positively with Reception, Key stage 1 and Key Stage 2 singing (one of my favourite times of the week alongside Rainbow Rewards on a Friday morning).


    Some sad news was shared this week, but exciting for Mr Leyshon:


    "I am writing to inform you that Mr Leyshon has informed us that he intends to leave Greasley as he has decided to move to Northern Ireland with his family. He will end his contract at the end of this term as he starts his new venture following the Easter holidays.


    Mr Leyshon has worked at Greasley since September 2014 and during this time, he has been a very valued member of the teaching staff (and amongst the Greasley community). I started working at Greasley, as a teaching Deputy Head Teacher, in 2015 and have very fond memories of working with Mr Leyshon in Year 4. He is a dedicated teacher, who always puts the children, and his key values, at the centre of his decisions and teaching ethos and style.


    Over the years, Mr Leyshon has led on computing, after school clubs, the football team, PE, and sports funding. He currently leads on the English curriculum and has been a large part of our new library development. He has been an asset to the staffing team, and he will always be remembered for his strength in acquiring and using research. He will be greatly missed.


    Currently, we are trying to find a replacement, and adverts are being processed and published. The successful candidate will work in Blue 1 for the summer term, following the Easter holidays, until the end of the summer term.


    We wish Mr Leyshon all the very best of luck in his new and exciting venture with his family, and thank him greatly for his commitment over the last eight and a half years during his time at Greasley".


    Have a good weekend everyone, 


    Mrs Bates


    Fri 10 Feb 2023 Mrs Bates

    What a great week in school and a busy week to end the half term. 


    HIGHLIGHTS include:


    * SATURDAY - A huge congratulations to our cross-country finalists for their superb efforts last week. We were so proud of every single one of you. The event included the best cross-country runners from all schools in Nottinghamshire. There were about 100 in each race. To get the placings that you all did was amazing. A special mention to Thomas and Denny for coming 14th and 17th respectively. Have a well-earned rest everyone! Mrs Parnell


    * MONDAY - Green 2 visited the Eastwood library. I am told that were absorbed in the world of books and displayed positive behaviours. 

    We also had another visit from the Mental Health Support Team who did a workshop about how parents can support their child's mental health. This was well attended and we hope that people have taken a lot from it. 

    * Parental sessions - This week we have seen so many parents in school listening to staff talk about different areas of school life and events approaching - Year 6 SATS meeting, Year 1 Phonics Screening Checks and Year 4 Castleton residential. It has been so great to see you all.
    * Rainbow Rewards - always a favourite time of the week. This week will be extra special as we have Rev'd Dodd visiting from Greasley Church (also a school community governor). She will be presenting certificates and gifts this week for children who received 100% attendance last year - what an achievement.
    Have a restful and reflective half term. 
    Why not talk to your child about our Rainbow Values - which ones do they accomplish regularly? Which one could they work on this holiday and next half term?

    Our Rainbow Values:


    Respect and acceptance – “Being ready, respectful and safe in everything we do”

    Active body and active mind – “Take ownership over your physical and mental wellbeing”

    Inclusive yet individual – “Embrace diversity and be proud of who you are”

    Nurture, develop and grow – “Persevere and take risks with your talents and potential”

    Believe in yourself – “Be confident in your choices”

    Overcome your obstacles – “Be brave, show resilience and challenge yourself”

    Wonder and curiosity – “Ask questions and seek answers”


              At Greasley Beauvale Primary School, you are “Learning for Life” to “Paint Your Own Rainbow”


    Happy holidays, everyone! I hope you can all join me in thanking the staff and the children for a super start to 2023!
    Mrs Bates 
  • Head Teacher Awards - Week Commencing 6th February 2023

    Thu 09 Feb 2023 Mrs Bates

    Araiya - Green 2 - For super work today. You have worked so hard writing numbers, counting, making patterns and practising your fine motor skills. Well done!


    Hunter - Green 2 - For producing a great piece of writing! Hunter's morning started off a little bit 'wobbly' but he 'overcame his obstacles' to create his own sentences. Hunter combined information from our working wall, and his phonic knowledge to build super sentences! 


    Lewis - Blue 2 - For making great inferences in our PSHE lesson, when reading 'Julian is a Mermaid'. He spotted a link that nobody else (including me) had seen! Amazing work, Lewis.


    Hugo - Green 1 - For his AMAZING progress in reading and fantastic attitude towards this area of school life. I am SO proud! 

  • Highlights of the week

    Fri 03 Feb 2023 Mrs Bates

    How is it Friday already? Time has flown and we are a week on! One more week to go until half-term and another holiday (already!!!) 


    This week has been GREAT. Highlights include:


    * Parental engagement event in Reception. We all saw how excited and proud the children were to share their learning from the Chinese New Year - songs, head dresses and a fabulous dragon dance at the end.


    * Our first virtual workshop for parents took place with Mrs Padley to explain the rationale and philosophy around the 'No Outsiders' approach to teaching about equality and diversity (Inclusive yet individual). Powerpoints and resources will be shared.


    * The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) have been in again to talk to the children about 'Food and Mood' This made us all reflect and think about healthy choices and listening to what our bodies are telling us. Romana told us to 'high-five' and think about H.A.L.T when we are not 'feeling right'


    Are we...

              - Hungry?

              - Angry?

              - Lonely?

              - Tired?


    A huge good luck to cross country runners tomorrow - I can't wait for the update


    Have a good weekend everyone,


    Mrs Bates


  • Royal British Legion Update

    Fri 03 Feb 2023 Mrs Bates

    Not sure if anyone are Facebook users, but just to let you know the Royal British Legion article was posted this week on The Nugget.



    New Eastwood & District Royal British Legion Award.


    Congratulations to Greasley Beauvale Primary School on their recent success in raising an amazing £603 for the Poppy Appeal in the Eastwood & District area and receiving the new MacAuley Sheild, in recognition of their hard work.


    Chairman of the local branch, Jon Cooper said,

    "January 17th 2023 saw the presentation of the inaugural MacAuley Shield, a new award presented to the school in the Eastwood & District area that raises the most money over the Poppy Appeal. This shield is in memory of our most recent branch President, Jim MacAuley who sadly passed last year.


    It’s fantastic that the young people in our district still see the importance of remembering and that they work so hard to raise funds over the Poppy appeal period. As a veteran it makes me proud of our children and of our schools for supporting this cause.”


    Greasley Beauvale Primary School Head Teacher, Michelle Bates, said,

    "I am very proud of our children and school for receiving this award.

    Our Rainbow Values are very important to us and part of our charity work in school falls under 'Respect and Acceptance' and 'Inclusive yet Individual'. We like to think about others, be kind and do our best to support the community where we can. Our vision is shared by the whole school, and we are proud of what we stand for.

    We are proud to have raised money for the British Legion, by supporting the Poppy Appeal, but we also acknowledge the hard work that takes place by every volunteer and member of the legion.

    We teach the children about what it means to be a good human being in society and at Greasley Beauvale Primary School, we are "Learning for Life". What we have achieved is an example of that. We are so pleased to have helped in the way that we did and, we will rise to the challenge again next year to continually support the charity. Our children loved receiving the trophy on Monday and seeing volunteers from the British Legion. Thank you to them for their hard work and time to visit school to share their knowledge and experiences."


    Over the past 20 years our local Royal British Legion Branch has presented the Rod Todd Cup to schools in the district that raised the most money during the Poppy Appeal. Rod Todd was the former President of the Branch in the 1990's. The Rod Todd Cup will continue to represent the branch and will be awarded to this years runner up, Hollywell Primary School. A presentation is yet to be arranged.


    The Nugget would like to congratulate the pupils and staff at Greasley Beauvale Primary School for their amazing work and all our local schools who keep Remembering.


    #poppyappeal #schoolawards #NG16 #Newthorpe


