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  • Nurture Room Development

    Tue 28 May 2019 Mrs Michelle Bates



    I hope you are all enjoying the holidays and have had a super enjoyable Bank Holiday. 


    A reminder that we are currently developing our new nurture room and are still in need of some aspects of play and development. We would love to develop our small world area (e.g. little people, figures etc). Also, our dolls area (dolls houses, furniture, dolls, clothes etc). 


    Then of course anything that you want to clear out this half term, we would gladly take off your hands:


    * Books
    * Lego
    * Building blocks
    * Cars
    * Creative arts and crafts....


    Thank you so much for your support in advance. If you want to donate anything then please feel free to send to the office after the holidays.


    Warm regards and have a super holiday


    Mrs Michelle Bates

  • Head Teacher's Blog!

    Fri 24 May 2019 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 24th May 2019


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Jonah – Orange 2 – For his fantastic detailed drawings that re-tell the story of ‘The Way Back home’. Jonah could tell me all about each picture.


    Arthur – Orange 2 – For writing a fantastic postcard home from the moon. I could read all of Arthur’s work and have seen a BIG improvement in his handwriting and use of phonics. Arthur also wrote a beautiful story for his homework, which everyone enjoyed reading and sharing.


    Mya – Green 1 – For amazingly improved handwriting throughout year 3. It is all down to her determination, active mind and belief in herself. She also tells me that she has been working hard on her handwriting skills at home. WOW, what an improvement!


    George – Green 1 – For making an incredible model of the rainforest with clearly labelled layers as part of his homework project. He really went above and beyond.


    Finley – Green 2 – For his thoughtful, well-written and smartly presented rainforest poem. He has even squeezed in some rhyming and alliteration. Fabulous!


    Max – Blue 2 – For writing a fantastic version of chapter 7 for ‘Running Wild’ after reading chapter 6. He included a fantastic range of emotive language and really brought the next section of the story to life. I was also impressed with his use of an ellipsis, great fronted adverbials and a super rhetorical question to get me thinking. Well done, Max!


    Hubert – Indigo 2 – For his independent writing. He did not use google translate once for the first time! He has used inverted commas for direct speech and included all the key parts from within the chapter he is rewriting. I am SO proud of you, Hubert!


    This week, the following children have received some praise through home-school links:


    Alfie, in Orange 2, for being a Greasley Beauvale environmental HERO! When I was travelling home one night this week, I had to stop my car to find him and his mum rescuing a hedgehog from the busy road right in front of my very eyes. It made me smile and I am truly glad that he was able to do this…who knows what could have happened to the poor creature if he hadn’t have been so curious and worked with his active mind? Well done and thank you, Alfie! What a Live-saving HERO! J


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    1st place goes to orange 2 for 100% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Blue 2 for 98.6% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Green 1 for 98.1% attendance.


    Weekly update…


    Well, I cannot believe that we are already at the end of a short, but VERY busy half term. This term, we have seen our year 6 children complete their SATs and this week the year 2 children finished theirs also. There was a great atmosphere through the testing period and it was very clear that the children were very motivated to do their very best. I am so proud of them and their teachers, and I wish them the very best for the scores that they so rightly deserve. We pride ourselves on developing a balanced curriculum and therefore, the children really have done their best, whilst also devoting special time to the foundations subjects also.


    During the week, Mr Leyshon’s class and Miss Marvin’s class have also met again with their link classes from Beeston Rylands Junior School and Round Hill Primary School. The classes swapped schools and had a truly great time. It was also lovely to see another set of children at Greasley Beauvale working so hard with our year 6 class. Mr Leyshon had this to say:


    When we arrived at the school, they had each made a welcome poster for us and we shared some of the lovely messages from the children. After we were welcomed by the head teacher, we played some ice breaker activities and the children all quickly loosened up and began to talk more freely with the children from other school (Beeston Rylands Junior School). We then set up a variety of physical activity based games that children played in mixed groups before we had a lovely picnic! After lunch, we split into two separate, mixed-school groups and some children looked at the topic of individuality with the book ‘Only One You’ whilst the other group studied and explored what the word ‘home’ really means to us. This group then made homes in the woodlands for an alien visitor, considering what it needs to have to ‘really’ be a home. We ended the day by sharing our favourite parts of the day and thanked them for their hospitality.


    Have a great half term everyone and I look forward already to the final half term of the academic year . I cannot believe that the end of the year is insight already and we have so much to look forward to. A jam-packed half term ahead…sports day (pray for good weather!), transition visits, Macmillan event, BIG sing…and much more! Make sure you take a look at the dates page that was sent out last week so that you don’t miss anything.


    A reminder that the first two days back after the holidays are INSET days, where we will concentrating on assessing and evaluating the curriculum for your children and considering and planning for curriculum changes in the new academic year. Very exciting!


    We look forward to seeing you again when the school re-opens on Wednesday the 5th June 2019

    Warm regards,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Sat 18 May 2019 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 17th May 2019


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Theo, Noah and Seb – Yellow 1 – for all the time and effort that they’ve put into practising their maths skills at home and school.


    Mia – year 3 – For settling into the nurture room fantastically. She enjoys all of the activities and is kind to all of her friends. She has written a beautiful piece of writing to explain how she feels about nurture and read it out to the group. We are all very proud of her.


    Bobby – Year 4 – For unbelievable progress with his handwriting over the course of the year. This demonstrates his super focus on using teacher feedback.


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    Orange 2, green 1 and Indigo 2 all gained 100% attendance


    Weekly update…


    This week has been exceptionally busy! Apologies for not being out in the playground as normal in a morning. However, it has been Key Stage 2 SATs and we have invited the children into school at 8.15am every morning for ‘SATs breakfast’. I have been incredibly proud of the children this week and they have worked to their optimum. Some of the tests were very challenging, but they gave it 110% and we could not have asked for any more. We now await the results, which come through in July.


    Last night was amazing for the girl’s football team. They went over to Larkfields Junior School to compete in a football tournament amongst seven other schools…and we WON! The girls did a fabulous job and I am so proud that their determination, commitment and power drove them to the top of the scoreboard with their winning goals. As a school, we are so pleased with our current sporting success and the way in which our approach to sporting activities and competitions is allowing us to gain places in the running!


    This week the nurture room has been running smoothly and already, it is having a very huge impact on the children who work in there. The comments from the children have been very positive and quotes from Mia’s poem include the following selected lines:


    “Smiles fill the room”

    No matter what the weather, it’s always shining in the nurture room”

    “Your imagination is free”

    The people in there make nurture even more complete”


    Thank you, Mia!


    Have a good weekend everyone and see you all next week.


    Warm regards,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog!

    Fri 10 May 2019 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 10th May 2019


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Red 1 - Harri - For amazing independent work when drawing and labelling a bean plant. Her confidence is growing all the time and a love of writing is developing.


    Green 1 - George P and Ethan P - For producing great pieces of writing, which reflect improved presentation, maturity and adventurous vocabulary choices. 


    Green 2 - Dagmara - For such progress in sentence formation, handwriting and vocabulary due to her fantastic attitude to learning.


    Green 2 - Abigail, Ava, Freddie, William, Ted, Theo and Emily - For their superb focus and effort when retelling the 'Great Kapok tree' story. They all used ambitious vocabulary, paraghraphs, careful checking and even inverted commas...WOW!


    Blue 1 – Jack – for the exceptional level of passion, drive and commitment he is showing towards his work every day. A HUGE improvement to attitude towards school life. Well done, Jack!


    Indigo 1 – Jasmine – For her focus when producing such precise and detailed levels of research when finding out about key facts and figures regarding World War 2.


    Indigo 1 – Kieran – For the incredible effort he has taken to produce a stunning custom-designed newspaper report on the evacuees.



    Current attendance results are as follows:


    Red 2, Green 1 and Indigo 2 all gained 100% attendance


    Weekly update…


    A very productive week in school and everyone really thriving in their new topics.


    This week, we had the Nottinghamshire Sports Hall Athletics Finals to compete in, and it really was a huge step up in quality. We were against the best Nottinghamshire had to offer - the seven other district champions from the local events held last month.


    Our school were an absolute credit in terms of the effort and drive shown in every event, plus how well they supported each other along the way. We managed to get a few 2nd and 3rd place finishes in some big races and we finished in a very respectable 6th place (out of all schools in Nottinghamshire)!


    Year 2 have started their assessments for their end of year 2 teacher assessments and they are doing a smashing job. They do their tests over a three week period and at this age, we make the children feel as comfortable as possible and we try not to use the ‘SATs’ word. They do the very best that they can and we are proud of their efforts and work so far.


    As for the year 6’s, it’s a little different and much more formal. Their SATs start next week and we wish them the very best of luck as they have worked so hard. I wrote to them today and I really hope that they ‘take note’ of my key messages:


    10th May 2019


    Re: SATs good luck!


    Dear Year 6 Pupils,


    As you are all aware, next week is going to be a busy week due to your SAT tests in spelling, grammar, punctuation, reading and maths. I know how hard you have all worked, and I know that results mean a lot to you all. However, I just want you all to do your best and achieve what you can next week.


    The SAT tests do not assess everything that you can do. They also do not look at what makes each of you special and unique. The people who design these tests, and then mark them to give you a judgement grade, do not know you personally as we do (including your family). Therefore, I feel there is something I should share with you.


    The tests do not take into consideration if you can play a musical instrument or sing a solo in front of a crowd. They do not allow your natural talents to shine. They do not celebrate the fact that you may be able to speak in two languages, compete in competitions and win medals, sign for professional football clubs or have the potential to be an Olympic athlete. They do not give you extra marks for your kindness and manners and the ability to have empathy for others. They don’t acknowledge how thoughtful you are and the fact that you always work hard and try your very best. They do not take into account that some people take a little longer to process information and the fact that you may have some battles currently in your life.


    What the tests do is measure the success of the school based on how you are able to perform in a test on a set day in a set subject. They do tell us something and it’s important that you do the very best you can, but they just don’t tell us everything about you. They show us how much progress you have made since your time in year 2 and how well you can tackle tests at pace. They do not tell me how ‘smart’ you all are as you are all smart in different ways. Over the weekend, think about all the ‘smart’ things you can do and remind yourself that they are important too, and that those things make you, you! SATS do not celebrate the amazing, unique, and awesome things that you can do.


    All being said, do your best and go and shine next week to the best of your abilities. I am so proud of you ALL already for your commitment, drive, perseverance, determination and battling through the hard work, challenges and pitfalls.


    Now is the time to rest, sleep, believe and … ‘Paint your OWN rainbow!’


    Good luck, guys!


    Mrs Bates



    To end the week with good news, I would also like to congratulate Miss Atamaniuk as she enters her journey into motherhood. She is expecting her first child in October, and we wish her all the love and luck throughout her pregnancy. Staffing news regarding her maternity cover will be shared during the next half term.


    Have a great weekend everyone…and let’s wish all of our year 2 and year 6 children lots of luck for the assessments due next week.

    Warm regards,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 03 May 2019 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 3rd May 2019


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Isla – Red 1 – for fantastic subtraction using a number line. Isla worked especially hard to make sure that her numbers were the correct way around. Super news!


    Denny – Red 1 – For blowing Mrs Barrowcliffe’s socks off by being on fire and being able to independently use a number line to subtract his numbers. He has been a maths magician this week.


    Lucy - Violet 2 – For her imaginative presentation of the Judeo-Christian creation story. She’d paid extra attention to her illustrations and the results are great.


    Positive praise home is as follows:


    As I communicated last week, we had the BBC Midlands Today crew in on Monday doing some filming around our work on climate change and recycling.

    I was very proud of Miss Marvin and her years 6s, and Mrs Wright and her Rainbow Planet Protectors.

    I received an email following the filming from Nav, the BBC reporter...


    I just wanted to say a big thank you to your staff and the children for being so accommodating. It was great to see how much effort has gone into teaching the kids about their role in protecting the planet and the importance of fighting climate change…

    The report was broadcasted throughout the day on Wednesday and the 6.30pm bulletin was the full-length version. I was an incredibly proud Head teacher, whilst watching the bulletin, as the children spoke confidently and clearly about their role in climate change. I think the bulletin showed the school in a very positive light and we hope you enjoyed the viewing also.

    Thanks once again to the children and staff, but also one of our year 3 parents for putting our school forward for this report.


    Have a great bank holiday weekend everyone, and I look forward already to another super week next week.


    Warm regards,

    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher


