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  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 26 Mar 2021 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 26th March 2021


    Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is above the national average, and has increased to, 97.24%


    1st place goes to Yellow 2 for 98.41% attendance.

    2nd place goes to orange 1 for 98.25% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Indigo 2 1 for 98.06% attendance.


    Current attendance results, for this week, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is above the national average at 97.04%


    1st place goes to Yellow 2 for 99.31% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Indigo 1 for 99.29% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Green 2 1 for 98.75% attendance.


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Elsa – Orange 2 – For producing beautifully presented and developing cursive handwriting


    Madeleine – Orange 2 – For always completing her writing to a high standard. This week, she has been writing pieces that have included adventurous vocabulary choices as she has been using a thesaurus.


    Sonny – Orange 2 – For learning how to turn meaningful mark-making into carefully written words using a word bank.


    Wow…a really busy week in school. I cannot believe that we have just finished the penultimate week of the spring term. Nearly the Easter holidays already!


    We have been working on our new Vision, Aims and Values statement for 2021. Remember to share your views and opinions using the following link:


    We also have the Easter raffle next week. We are pleased to reveal our line-up of 'eggciting' prizes for the raffle - please see the photographs on Class Dojo to see what you can win! Thank you to everyone that has generously donated a prize or purchased tickets so far.

    As a reminder, tickets are £1 and are available to purchase on ParentMail until Tuesday 30th March. The winners will then be drawn on Wednesday 31st March.

    All funds raised will be used towards improving our school library. Thank you for your support and good luck!


    A reminder that next week we break up on Thursday as Friday is Good Friday and a bank holiday.


    Warmest regards,


    Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Tue 23 Mar 2021 Mrs Bates
    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Today, we mark the first full year anniversary, where we went into a pandemic lockdown. I will be talking to the children today about reflecting on the past year, but also moving forwards.

    As we enter into our minutes silence later today, we will be reflecting on the sad and happy times, the highs and the lows and the year ahead.

    It will be a day to reflect on the sacrifices made and the fact that this has potentially been the most difficult year in our own history. Our lives have certainly changed so much in the past year...the year that parents became teachers to mention one example!

    We will pay our respects to those that we have lost and provide thanks to those who have worked hard around us.

    One of the British Values is 'Mutual Respect'. We will be paying our respects today; respecting the views of others; working together to get through the next phase and showing deep admiration for others around us.

    We are coming through the other side of a national tragedy, and we will work hard as a school to reunite, recover and rebuild. We aim to become a kinder, more reflective, tolerant and compassionate community together.

    I am so proud of the school community, and I will certainly be reflecting today on the hardest year in education for us all (parents included!). I certainly look forward to brighter times, but for now we continue to keep safe and do the very best we can to keep safe and positive.

    We will be reflecting for you all today - whatever your experiences may have been this year!

    Keep safe, keep smiling and we are almost there!

    Have a good day,

    Mrs Bates
  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 19 Mar 2021 Mrs Bates

    Week ending 19th March 2021



    Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is above the national average at 97.22%


    1st place goes to Yellow 2 for 98.24% attendance.

    2nd place goes to orange 1 for 98.17% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Indigo 2 1 for 98.15% attendance.


    Current attendance results, for this week , are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is above the national average at 97.46%


    1st place goes to Yellow 2 and Indigo 1 for 100% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Red 1 for 99.64% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Indigo 2 1 for 99.3% attendance.



    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Emmie and Ella - Yellow 2 – For effort and enthusiasm when writing instructions to catch a fire giant! They both used a letter mat to independently form letters correctly . Well done!



    Another super week in school. Children are beginning to recover well and extend their learning during their time in school. Teachers are really starting to gauge the impact of the third lockdown and assess what is essential for their year group as we settle into our 'new norm'. Teaching is targeted around filling gaps, clear interventions where needed and ensuring that children feel happy and safe.


    It was nice to send a 'normal' email today about PE kit reminders and we haven't had to mention 'covid' in a while, which shows there is some light at the end of the tunnel. We are all being safe, but it is nice to start thinking about the future of the school and where we want to develop and improve. 


    Our school improvement plan/priorities (SIP) this year centre around:


    1) Mental Health and Wellbeing for everyone 

    2) Academic recovery following the pandemic, lockdowns and bubble closures

    3) Embedding a whole school strategy for blended learning that secures a continuation of the schools curriculum (if and when needed!) 


    The SIP has been reviewed this week and along with other consultations, we have evidence that the school is going in the right direction and continuing to go from strength to strength. 


    Next week, I will be reviewing and re-writing the new vision, aims and values statement based on views from stakeholders (including the children). I look forward to sharing this with you soon.


    Today was Red Nose Day and thanks for all your support and donations. School raised £287.80 and what a great cause to send that money to.


    Thank you everyone and take care.


    Warmest regards,


    Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher



  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 12 Mar 2021 Mrs Bates

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    We have had a SUPER start back to school life. Classes have been settling back into their 'normal' routines. Children are happy and glad to be back overall!

    Individual class teachers will be communicating what their week has entailed. However, I wanted to let you all know that we are concentrating on recovering from this period of lockdown and the pandemic so far.

    As a result of this, we are putting an emphasis on the health and wellbeing and relationship strands of the PSHE curriculum. We really want to focus on our pupils' wellbeing as they return to school - teaching them the skills and knowledge needed for good mental health.

    In order for us to do this effectively, Mrs Padley has adapted our PSHE curriculum so that certain objectives are prioritised. From this week, until the end of the Summer Term, our PSHE lessons are to be taught under the following whole school themes:

    • Feeling Safe
    • Reconnecting
    • Feelings and Emotions
    • Bouncing Back
    • Ways to care for ourselves and others
    • Looking Forward and Promoting Hope

    Through weekly class Dojo posts, teachers will let you know what they have been discussing in class and what is coming up the following week. This will hopefully enable you to have these conversations at home too, if you wish.

    In addition, the whole school plan has been shared on Class Dojo with you so that you can see what we plan to cover over the coming weeks with different year groups. This can also be viewed at:



    We hope that this will support you with discussions and questions at home. Teachers will also consider sharing any useful books, links, resources or videos with you that links with the theme.

    I am incredibly proud of the children and staff and we are ready for further weeks ahead. Onwards and upwards!

    Have a safe and restful weekend. I think everyone is ready for some sleep!

    Warm regards,

    Mrs Bates : )



  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Thu 11 Mar 2021 Mrs Bates

    Coach Jimmy Jumpshot Smith (who has worked with varying year groups across the school to develop basketball) has been appointed to the coaching staff for Great Britain's newest national teams for men and women in the 35+ age group. They are called TEAM GB MAXIBASKETBALL and will be running over weekends through to the European Championships in Spain June 2022.

    Over the next weeks and months Coach Smith is looking forward to sharing his experiences with teachers and students in conjunction with his development work in primary schools.

    Coach Smith made the following brief statement, "I appreciate this opportunity for which I have prepared my entire life. It not only means a lot to me but also to those who have taught me and I have worked with and for during my career. I owe a great deal of thanks to everyone."

    We are very excited by this news and how exciting for our school.

    Thank you for being part of our school community, Jimmy. I know the children are inspired by you and love the basketball sessions.

    Mrs Bates : )
  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 05 Mar 2021 Michelle Bates

    Well, today is the last day of the partial school closures; the last day of home learning for many parents and children and the last day (for now) that we have to arrange and organise blended learning. We cannot wait to have all of the children back on Monday and start the recovery beyond another national lockdown and time away from school, teachers and peers. 


    We have been planning since it was announced that children could return to school on the 8th March, and we aim for the children to recover from this period of instability both academically, emotionally and socially. 


    I am so proud of the whole school community for the work and efforts that have gone into school life (whether at home, school or both). As a mum, I have felt the pressures too and we have all had to make this work to the best of our abilities. It hasn't been easy, but there is now an end in sight as we start on the roadmap out of lockdown. 


    Of course, school life is still not 100% 'normal' and we still have the follow the protective measures that have been put in place to keep children safe. However, children can return to school, see staff again, have their learning in a classroom and reunite and build friendships with their peers. 


    We politely ask that you continue to follow the Government guidance and refrain from playdates, parties, picnics in groups, crowds at the school gates etc to help keep the school community safe. Too many children have spent too long away from the school building already. The last thing we want, when children return, is for cases to rise and bubble closures to start again! I'm sure you don't want this as parents either. Thank you doing what you can to prevent the spread of the virus. 


    We hope that this weekend brings more sunshine and a smile as you prepare for the return. 


    Have fun together and see you all soon. I can not wait to see you all again :) 
