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  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 16 Oct 2020 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 16th October 2020


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is now at 96.71%


    1st place goes to Indigo 2 for 98.05% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 1 for 98.02% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Orange 1 for 97.96% attendance.


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Harry and Cameron – Orange 1 – For wonderful writing and putting together some super sentences. Descriptive and fun. Well done!


    At the end of a very busy half term, during a difficult time for everyone, I just wanted to say, “THANK YOU!” A thank you to each and every one of the school community that has played their part in remaining safe and being committed to your child’s education (whether that being in school or remotely at home). This includes Parents, carers, grandparents, staff, children and governors for the part they have had to play during the wider opening of school during a global pandemic. It has been hard for many people, but as normal we have pulled together, communicated clearly and adjusted plans to make sure it all works and we are safe.


    This week, we saw class bubbles and staff begin to return to school after periods of isolation and it has been lovely to have the school community filling up again! The children continue to smile and work hard and I admire their drive and determination to do well and keep going! I am so proud of the children. They realise now more than ever the importance of being educated at school and how the school community is there for them (even when at home).


    I have been doing Rainbow Rewards for the last 4 weeks in classrooms and absolutely loved it. We have talked about the different values and who needs a celebration ‘shout out’ with a certificate. I have also been asking the children to consider who they would give a Rainbow Reward to and why. The thoughts have been reflective and mature. I have been very proud of the children. This morning, we even trialled Rainbow Rewards virtually by TEAMs and it was so amazing to see four classes on screen at a time. A virtual assembly to be proud of.


    From everyone at Team GB, we genuinely hope that you have a good two weeks half term holiday. Remember to follow the Government guidelines and keep socially distant and safe as we want to see you back to school safe and well on the 2nd November 2020 as we open the doors again for Autumn 2! Please do let us know of any positive cases over the holidays or any travel arrangements over the half term holiday, which may mean you having to quarantine on your return.


    Keep safe, happy and well. Take care,


    Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Tue 13 Oct 2020 Mrs Bates



    I am pleased, and proud, to announce that one of our ex-pupils has won an award! 


    Isobel, who left us in the summer in year 6, entered a writing competition during her time in Miss Marvin's class. The competition was the 'New Writers UK Creative Writing Competition' and the story she entered was titled 'Journey through our Quarrels'. 


    The story was mature, well thought out and used high level vocabulary, structure and ideas...what an achievement! 


    I have recently found out from her grandad and mum that she received first place in her category and her work is going to be published in the winner's book. I have watched the live streaming of the award ceremony, and I am very proud of Isobel and what she has achieved over the years and throughout the stages of this competition. I am also pleased to share this exciting news with the community. 


    Isobels' mum wanted to pass on her thanks to all the teachers who have taught Isobel over the years and to Greasley Beauvale for the foundations that she received during her time here. Thank you!


    Well done, Isobel - a HUGE achievement. Continue to do well at Hall Park and go and 'Paint Your Own Rainbow! 


    Mrs Bates (A proud Head Teacher)





  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 09 Oct 2020 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 9th October 2020


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage has risen again this week from 97.06% to 97.12%


    1st place goes to Green 1 for 98.82% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 2 for 98.04% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Orange 1 for 97.93% attendance.


    We are very proud of these percentages and it shows that even during a global pandemic we are seeing the importance of being at school, despite the worries and anxieties. Well done, everyone and thanks for your commitment to school life! 


    I just wanted to say thank you to the school community this week. Since returning in September, this has potentially been one of our hardest weeks in school yet due to the impact of COVID-19 and Test and Trace notifications. However, we have worked through it, adjusted plans and communicated new measures. Thank you so much for playing your part - adhering to the new staggered arrangements and for wearing a face covering as you enter the school grounds. The crowds have been better in a morning, and on KS1 in an evening, and this really will help everyone in the long run.


    We are all having to adjust to these difficult times and the new measures really will help to reduce the risk of the virus spreading throughout the community – Much appreciated and thank you. I couldn’t be any prouder of the children at this moment in time and to the staff for keeping education going so strongly throughout this period of worry and uncertainty.


    I am also extremely proud of the way in which Indigo 1 and year 2 have been working at home on blended learning. We welcomed back Mr Khan’s class today and it was so nice to have them back. However, Year 2 will not be returning for another week (Yellow 1 next Friday and Yellow 2 after half term). Children continue to work from home as described in my letter a few weeks ago. The Department for Education have given very clear guidance to schools as to what they expect from us during a bubble closure or lockdown, and in turn, we have certain expectations too. When a bubble does close, blended learning starts immediately, work is sent via the class dojo story and work should be uploaded daily for feedback. There will normally be a message from Mr Honey about the expectations and a video from myself to the children (virtual assembly).


    We are all doing our best throughout this pandemic and working through unprecedented times. I am proud of everyone. I think as a school we are being exceptionally positive and we are delighted that we have remained opened for the children, despite having some classes covered by different adults.


    As I have said before, together, we will rise to this challenge and ensure that as many of our children remain safe and in school as possible.


    On a slightly different note, I have unfortunately received a complaint from a parent this week to say that they are hearing some adults swear in the playground at the end of the school day (whilst children are around). Can I please politely ask that you are mindful of your language in the school grounds, especially when there are so many children around! Thank you in advance.


    Take care, everyone! Keep safe and I look forward to seeing you soon as we get through these difficult times together.


    Have a great weekend everyone and keep safe.


    Warm regards,


    Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Sat 03 Oct 2020 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 2nd October 2020


    Current attendance results are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage has risen this week from 96.61% to 97.06%


    1st place goes to Green 1 for 98.94% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Red 1 for 98.40% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Violet 1 for 97.92% attendance.


    We are very proud of these percentages and it shows that even during a global pandemic we are seeing the importance of being at school, despite the worries and anxieties. Well done, everyone and thanks for your commitment to school life! 



    This week in school, we have had further closures and I would like to remind people about the letter I sent out on the 28th September. This was concerning our ‘Blended learning’ plan for when your child may have to self-isolate. This has worked well this week and the level of engagement from families has increased and is developing all the time. Yes, it is sad to be in a global pandemic, especially whilst cases in Broxtowe are rising and spiking. However, the children’s education is important to us and we want to ensure that we get this right for everyone involved. Well done to everyone so far for coping at home and please do let us know if you are struggling with access, devices or work. We can also provide paper copies of any work where needed so please do speak to us.


    Can I kindly and politely ask that from Monday you socially distance in and around school and consider wearing a face covering within the school grounds. Can you also please ensure that only one adult does the school run for your child and that you use the staggered times well and don’t arrive early to school. Can you also please leave the premises as soon as you have collected your child and ensure that your child does not use the play equipment on KS1 playground. Cases are rising and we want to try and do whatever we can to keep people safe.


    Please be aware that we are currently considering the staggered arrangements as we feel that the crowds continuing to gather on KS1 playground at the end of the day are not helping. We will be in touch as soon as we have a revised plan (for everyone’s safety).


    The Test and Trace app is already highly effective and if you haven’t done so already, I would download it to your devices and smart phones using the following link:


    Together, we will rise to this challenge and ensure that as many of our children remain safe and in school as possible.


    Take care, everyone! Keep safe and I look forward to seeing you soon as we get through these difficult times together.


    Have a great weekend everyone and keep safe.


    Warm regards,


    Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher
