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  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 28 May 2021 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 28th May 2021


    Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is above the national average at 97.13%, but dipped slightly from last week


    1st place goes to Green 2 for 98.4% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Yellow 2 for 98.38% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Green 1 for 98.19% attendance.


    Current attendance results, for this week, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage has dipped slightly to 96.13%, but is still above national average


    1st place goes to Green 2 for 100% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Yellow 1 for 99.33% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Violet 2 for 98.85% attendance.


    Head Teachers’ Awards this week have been awarded to:


    Amelia – Red 1 – For continuing to impress us all with her independent writing and her lovely letter formation


    Eliza – Red 1 – For completing some super independent writing, hearing all of the sounds she needed for her sentence.


    Jack - Violet 2 - For really engaging with assessment week and achieving his true potential


    Riley and Amina - Orange 2 - For some super independent writing about how to grow a bean 


    Pippa - Red 2 - For working so hard to remember all the phase 2 tricky words and most of phase 3 too! 



    This week, the children have had their assessment week. They have been beavering away all week in the areas of reading, writing, grammar, punctuation, spelling and science. We appreciate what a tricky year the children have had and have been delighted this week with their resilience and eagerness to do their absolute best. There will be children, who may well not do as well as they would do pre-pandemic. However, this is the whole point of the week. We look at the assessments, assess the gaps and consider, “what next?...” We look forward to planning for summer 2 and ensuring that the children can be in the best possible position that they can be in, ready for Autumn 2021.



    Have a super weekend and a great half term holiday – let us hope for some sunshine. Also, remember that Monday 7th June is an INSET day and therefore, children will not be in school. We look forward to welcoming you back to school on Tuesday 8th June 2021.


    Take care, keep safe and look after you and yours!


    Warmest wishes,

    Mrs Bates


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 21 May 2021 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 21st May 2021


    Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is above the national average and is consistent at 97.2%


    1st place goes to Yellow 2 for 98.38% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 2 for 98.33% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Green 1 for 98.21% attendance.


    Current attendance results, for this week, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage has dipped slightly to 96.9%, but is still above national average


    1st place goes to Indigo 1 for 99.68% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Yellow 2 for 99.65% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Green 1 for 99.38% attendance.


    Head Teacher's Awards this week go to:


    Evelyn - Red 2 - For her super home learning. Evelyn loves learning both at home and school. she ALWAYS completes any home learning activities that are set and she loves sharing this with her peers. I especially loves her underpants collage this week : )


    Ned - Red 2 - For his amazing independent writing in his phonics lesson. Ned wrote his sentence so quickly Miss Gell could hardly it!  


    A really busy week in school this week. Miss Manson (Deputy Head Teacher), Miss Marvin (Assistant Head Teacher) and I have been looking around school at behaviour, quality of displays and learning environments and the way in which our curriculum is recorded in books. A fascinating journey and we have also enjoyed talking to the children about their experiences in school and their learning. We have looked into what is working well and what areas we want to develop. We continue to think about the way in which we develop writing, and the books we will use in the future to showcase our curriculum.


    We want to thank everyone that attended this week’s virtual parents’ evening. We trialled the new system for the first time and we were generally pleased with the way in which the online conferencing worked. We did have some technical issues. However, on the whole, the program worked well for the teachers and those with work and childcare commitments. We were pleased to be able to share our knowledge and understanding of your child’s progress and areas for development. We hope that you found them useful and informative.


    Next week, the children have their assessment week. We anticipate that some children may struggle to remain the standard that they have achieved in previous years, especially following two academic years of interrupted learning. However, we are ready to assess the gaps and plan for Summer 2 and beyond into next year. We are very proud of your children and the way in which they are working and learning. We have concentrated on both their academia and mental health and wellbeing. It has been a juggle for everyone, your children included, and we admire their resilience and perseverance in most areas and cases. Some require more support than others, and we are working hard to support those who need it most, and those who are trying to cope as we start to exit and recover from this pandemic.


    We thank everyone for returning the consultation on mental health and wellbeing. This is an important area of school life to us and we look forward to analysing the responses within the wellbeing team. This will enable us to plan for the future, and consider how we can further support our families and school community. Thanks everyone!


    Have a super weekend. The restrictions have lifted even further, and I hope you enjoy meeting up with friends and family where it is safe to do so. Remember to continue to be careful, vigilant and follow the guidance Further easing of COVID restrictions confirmed for 17 May - GOV.UK (


    Take care, keep safe and look after you and yours!


    Warmest wishes,

    Mrs Bates


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 14 May 2021 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 14th May 2021


    Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is above the national average and is consistent at 97.2%


    1st place goes to Yellow 2 for 98.32% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 2 for 98.31% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Indigo 2 for 98.01% attendance.


    Current attendance results, for this week, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage has risen again to 97.08% and is above national average


    1st place goes to Violet 2 for 99.14% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Yellow 2 for 98.26% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Red 1 for 98.21% attendance.


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Chester – Red 1 – For his fantastic attitude towards his work, which resulted in an amazing piece of writing.


    lucas - Green 2 - For being a true Greasley role-model and making all the right choices throughout school life because he knows it is the right thing to do - not just to please others' or for a reward.


    Arlo – Red 1 – For a fantastic piece of writing, which involved capital letters and full stops. In addition, the letter formation was great and spellings were accurate (such as ‘please’)


    Ellie and Oliver – Indigo 2 – For very creative writing and using descriptive and emotive language effectively


    Ned – Red 2 – For his phenomenal progress in phonics, and for always trying his absolute best


    Alfie – Yellow 1 – For his character narrative about Mr Grinling. Alfie has written interesting and informative sentences and has worked hard on his presentation


    Bethany – Red 2 – For her amazing independent writing! Bethany worked really hard on this and chose to add more detail


    Amelia – Red 1 – For always trying her best, but especially when writing and remembering her sentences rules



    Life in school is currently very busy. We have gone through a period of recovery for the children and we are finding that the majority of children have settled back into school life very well. Some have required support, and we continue to support our families and children wherever we can. We are reminding the children constantly of our school rules to be ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’ and where children are unable to follow this, the behaviour ladder and policy is applied: Please support us in reminding your children what it means to be kind and that making the right choices leads to really positive outcomes for everyone.


    In terms of mental health and wellbeing, we have sent you a parental consultation and we are encouraging all parents to complete it and help us in providing information on how we can continue to support you and yours. We have worked hard on our approach to mental health and wellbeing and continue to keep our website pages refreshed and updated:


    Currently, we are also considering a ‘Healthy Schools’ approach to school life from September onwards. We are considering healthier options in school and beginning to add a wider choice to snack bar by introducing fruit bags, crumpets and pure fruit juices. We are also looking at our policies for lunches and how to encourage a healthier packed lunch – more details to follow!


    A reminder that life is getting back to a little more normality and we are expecting PE uniform to follow the uniform policy please. Thanks in advance for your understanding:


    Next week, we have our summer term parents’ evenings (Tuesday and Thursday). The links to book into for these appointments have been sent so please do ensure that you make your appointments so you are clear where your child is academically and what they may need to do next to make further progress. We will also discuss ways in which they may have been affected by the pandemic and what support we may be offering, or what you feel your child needs personally.


    Two highlights this week: children making tie dye t.shirts in reception and year 4s making tents for a ‘safe space’ when feeling sad! A really productive and exciting week in school, with further progress in writing across the school. Super!


    Have a super weekend


    Mrs Bates – a ‘happy’ Head Teacher


  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 07 May 2021 Mrs Bates


    Week Ending 7th May 2021


    Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage is above the national average and is consistent at 97.2%


    1st place goes to Yellow 2 for 98.35% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Green 2 for 98.29% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Green 1 for 98.09% attendance.


    Current attendance results, for this week, are as follows:


    Whole School Percentage has dipped slightly to 95.78%


    1st place goes to Yellow 2 for 99.07% attendance.

    2nd place goes to Red 1 for 98.80% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Orange 1 for 98.35% attendance.


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:

    Jonah – Red 2 – For an excellent piece of independent writing that showed his use and application of phonics. Great writing, which enabled him to apply


    An exciting week in school for leaders as we have started to get quotes and ideas for our new library areas and outdoor provision for Reception. We are hoping to refurbish areas to support children with reading, settling into school and meeting the needs of the curriculum. This is so exciting and plans are certainly developing week by week.


    As we continue on the roadmap out of lockdown, schools still have no changes to their guidance. However, I am hopeful that by half term we may have more guidance about the way in which schools can function differently. We are all excited about change and are hopeful that we may be able to do a little more as we approach the summer.


    I hope to be able to share more good news with you soon. Take care and have a super weekend.


    Warmest regards,


    Mrs Bates

    Head Teacher

