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Head Teacher's Blog!

Week Ending 11th January 2019


This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


Liam – Year 6 – for persevering with his sketching of 'Rang-tan'. He used the advice from 'Austin's Butterfly' to critique his work and make improvements. the result is truly something to be proud of!


Welcome back to the first school week of 2019. We all hope that you had a truly wonderful Christmas and we wish you all the very best for the New Year.


This week we have had a new teacher join the staffing team. Following Mrs Carlton’s departure just before the Christmas holidays, we welcome Mrs Parnell to blue two. She has made a great start this week and the children are already settled and excited about the remaining months of this academic year.


Similarly, the whole school has settled into the new term well and work towards new topics and targets have already commenced. The teachers are positive about the terms ahead and are eager to make a difference this year! Our year 2 and 6 children will now be preparing for their assessments in the summer. However, the curriculum will continue to be rich and exciting and we have many things planned for the children this year.


Thank you for all the support so far this academic year. I am very open to comments and ways in which we can improve. Therefore, please speak to me if there is anything you want to discuss or any further suggestions you have for us as a school.


Have a great weekend everyone and I look forward already to another super week next week.


Warm regards,


Michelle Bates

Head Teacher
