Week Ending 17th May 2019
This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
Theo, Noah and Seb – Yellow 1 – for all the time and effort that they’ve put into practising their maths skills at home and school.
Mia – year 3 – For settling into the nurture room fantastically. She enjoys all of the activities and is kind to all of her friends. She has written a beautiful piece of writing to explain how she feels about nurture and read it out to the group. We are all very proud of her.
Bobby – Year 4 – For unbelievable progress with his handwriting over the course of the year. This demonstrates his super focus on using teacher feedback.
Current attendance results are as follows:
Orange 2, green 1 and Indigo 2 all gained 100% attendance
Weekly update…
This week has been exceptionally busy! Apologies for not being out in the playground as normal in a morning. However, it has been Key Stage 2 SATs and we have invited the children into school at 8.15am every morning for ‘SATs breakfast’. I have been incredibly proud of the children this week and they have worked to their optimum. Some of the tests were very challenging, but they gave it 110% and we could not have asked for any more. We now await the results, which come through in July.
Last night was amazing for the girl’s football team. They went over to Larkfields Junior School to compete in a football tournament amongst seven other schools…and we WON! The girls did a fabulous job and I am so proud that their determination, commitment and power drove them to the top of the scoreboard with their winning goals. As a school, we are so pleased with our current sporting success and the way in which our approach to sporting activities and competitions is allowing us to gain places in the running!
This week the nurture room has been running smoothly and already, it is having a very huge impact on the children who work in there. The comments from the children have been very positive and quotes from Mia’s poem include the following selected lines:
“Smiles fill the room”
No matter what the weather, it’s always shining in the nurture room”
“Your imagination is free”
The people in there make nurture even more complete”
Thank you, Mia!
Have a good weekend everyone and see you all next week.
Warm regards,
Michelle Bates
Head Teacher