Week Ending 14th May 2021
Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:
Whole School Percentage is above the national average and is consistent at 97.2%
1st place goes to Yellow 2 for 98.32% attendance.
2nd place goes to Green 2 for 98.31% attendance.
3rd place goes to Indigo 2 for 98.01% attendance.
Current attendance results, for this week, are as follows:
Whole School Percentage has risen again to 97.08% and is above national average
1st place goes to Violet 2 for 99.14% attendance.
2nd place goes to Yellow 2 for 98.26% attendance.
3rd place goes to Red 1 for 98.21% attendance.
This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
Chester – Red 1 – For his fantastic attitude towards his work, which resulted in an amazing piece of writing.
lucas - Green 2 - For being a true Greasley role-model and making all the right choices throughout school life because he knows it is the right thing to do - not just to please others' or for a reward.
Arlo – Red 1 – For a fantastic piece of writing, which involved capital letters and full stops. In addition, the letter formation was great and spellings were accurate (such as ‘please’)
Ellie and Oliver – Indigo 2 – For very creative writing and using descriptive and emotive language effectively
Ned – Red 2 – For his phenomenal progress in phonics, and for always trying his absolute best
Alfie – Yellow 1 – For his character narrative about Mr Grinling. Alfie has written interesting and informative sentences and has worked hard on his presentation
Bethany – Red 2 – For her amazing independent writing! Bethany worked really hard on this and chose to add more detail
Amelia – Red 1 – For always trying her best, but especially when writing and remembering her sentences rules
Life in school is currently very busy. We have gone through a period of recovery for the children and we are finding that the majority of children have settled back into school life very well. Some have required support, and we continue to support our families and children wherever we can. We are reminding the children constantly of our school rules to be ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’ and where children are unable to follow this, the behaviour ladder and policy is applied: https://www.greasleybeauvale.co.uk/key-policies/ Please support us in reminding your children what it means to be kind and that making the right choices leads to really positive outcomes for everyone.
In terms of mental health and wellbeing, we have sent you a parental consultation and we are encouraging all parents to complete it and help us in providing information on how we can continue to support you and yours. We have worked hard on our approach to mental health and wellbeing and continue to keep our website pages refreshed and updated: https://www.greasleybeauvale.co.uk/wellbeing-and-mental-health/.
Currently, we are also considering a ‘Healthy Schools’ approach to school life from September onwards. We are considering healthier options in school and beginning to add a wider choice to snack bar by introducing fruit bags, crumpets and pure fruit juices. We are also looking at our policies for lunches and how to encourage a healthier packed lunch – more details to follow!
A reminder that life is getting back to a little more normality and we are expecting PE uniform to follow the uniform policy please. Thanks in advance for your understanding: https://www.greasleybeauvale.co.uk/uniform-information/
Next week, we have our summer term parents’ evenings (Tuesday and Thursday). The links to book into for these appointments have been sent so please do ensure that you make your appointments so you are clear where your child is academically and what they may need to do next to make further progress. We will also discuss ways in which they may have been affected by the pandemic and what support we may be offering, or what you feel your child needs personally.
Two highlights this week: children making tie dye t.shirts in reception and year 4s making tents for a ‘safe space’ when feeling sad! A really productive and exciting week in school, with further progress in writing across the school. Super!
Have a super weekend
Mrs Bates – a ‘happy’ Head Teacher