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WELCOME BACK ~ Headlines



A fantastic first week back to the academic year of 2023-2024.


Please see the attached Newsletter as it has some really useful information and updates about the start of term:


In other news, we already have children receiving head Teacher Awards:


Year 5 - Teegan - for writing a fantastic report on the World Trade Centre, using conjunctions and adverbs. A brilliant first piece of writing, Teegan. Well done 


Year 5 - Lawson - for fantastic participation in class discussions, and working super hard in all lessons today. A brilliant start to Year 5, Lawson. Keep it up!


Year 1 - Bonnie - for fantastic effort with her writing. Bonnie concentrated really well and worked independently. 


Year 1 - Jenson - for his fantastic attitude to learning in Year 1. He has worked extremely hard with his writing. 


Year 4 - Finley - for an absolutely fabulous first week back! I am so impressed with is mature attitude, effort when learning and his behaviour. Well done, Finley!


Have a great weekend, everyone! :) 


Mrs Bates 
