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Multi Faith Week

Multi-Faith Week - week beginning 27th June


Our Multi-Faith Week will take place during the afternoon sessions next week. It will be an opportunity for all year groups across school to focus on RE and help children learn more about spiritual development for both themselves and others.


All of our Rainbow Values will be relevant next week. In particular,  'Inclusive yet Individual' and 'Respect and Acceptance,' will link strongly to our learning.


Children across school will be learning about different Faiths. Throughout the week, we have organised visitors from different religious backgrounds to come and support in school. The focus for all year groups will be about how different Faiths view creation. At the end of the week, we will all come together to share our learning.


On Friday this week, children in Years 3-6 will meet our first visitors during a special assembly about Hinduism.  


Next week, don't forget to talk to your children about their learning in Multi-Faith week. Ask them about which religion they have learned about and how that religion recognises the world's creation. 


We really hope that children will enjoy the week.


Paul Honey and Ismaiel Khan

RE Leaders
