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Head Teacher's Blog!

Week Ending 5th April 2019


This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


Hope – Indigo 2 – For being able to spell, ‘you’, ‘is’ and ‘my’ independently. Amazing sounding out to segment the words and then blending back together to spell the words.


Ronan – Yellow 1 – For amazing improvement in his handwriting ability and presentation in his English book. WOW! Massive improvements and progress.


Kenny – Green 1 – For making rapid improvements to his behaviour this week.


Current attendance results are as follows:


1st place goes to Blue 1 for 100% attendance.

2nd place goes to Orange 2 for 99.7% attendance.

3rd place goes to Indigo 2 for 99.6% attendance.


Week Ending 5th April 2019


A lovely final week of the Spring term. Lots happening and lots to share.


This week, I found out from our music teacher (Mrs Deborah Fox) that some of her music pupils have taken their ABRSM music exams this half term. She was delighted with their fantastic results and the below list demonstrates that:

Zara B and Amelia W have passed descant prep test.

Lucy B passed grade 2 recorder.

Beth P passed grade 2 with distinction.

Katherine C passed grade 2 music theory with a very good merit (just 2 points off a distinction).


Great news, girls and a huge well done.


On Thursday, it was lovely to welcome Year 2 parents through the doors to watch their children in a collection of readings and songs around the Easter story. The show was fantastic and they shared the true meaning of Easter. They sung beautifully and spoke confidently and clearly. The children then took their parents off to class to design a healthy Easter-themed sandwich. There were some brilliant designs!


Later today, the year 2 children repeated their Easter performances to the whole school and the Reception children joined them during the Easter bonnet song…wearing their very own Easter bonnets made at home. The winners of the Easter bonnet competition were:


Hector – Red 1

Riley – Red 2

Jack – Red 2


Year 5 children went on their trip today to the Space Centre. They had a wonderful time and the staff mentioned their excellent behaviour and curious minds. The day was a success…and they came back very tired.


It’s been a great week this week seeing you all at parents evening. We hope that you found the reports useful and informative and that the conversations with teachers filled any gaps and gave you the information that you need about your child’s attainment, progress and general life in school.


Thank you to everyone who bought a book at book fair. We will share the commission raised after half term. The book fair raffle was won by Ruby in year 5.


Have a great Easter everyone and we look forward to seeing you again at the beginning of the summer term. A reminder that we return to school on Tuesday the 23rd April 2019 (after the bank holiday).  

Warm regards,


Michelle Bates

Head Teacher
