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Head Teacher's BLOG

An exciting but busy week in school:


SAT results are in for the Year 6 children. We are very proud of the progress made by so many. I know the children will be very proud of themselves when they compare what scores they got this year, compared to what was achieved at the end of Key Stage 1. Very impressive. 


As a school, we know we have some work to do on the basics (e.g. spelling, handwriting and timetables). However, we couldn't be prouder of the children's individual achievements and what they have put in this year.


Every Rainbow Rewards, I am hearing more and more teachers talking about the progress being made in lessons. Children 'Overcoming their obstacles', being more 'curious' and definitely using and developing the value of 'Nurture, Develop and Grow'. I am also hearing about the passion and love of writing within the classrooms and how children have really developed their use of flair, excitement and vocabulary within their written pieces. Many now enjoy writing and that makes me a very happy head teacher!


We continue to think about our developments for next year:


* Thinking Schools

* Opal Schools

* Wrap around care (hopefully - watch this space!)

* The use of our nursery provision

* Relational Schools

* Continued parental engagement


Next week, we will be reviewing the current school improvement plan with governors and I am proud of our developments. Thank you to everyone who completed the consultations to share your views, thoughts and ideas with them too!


Today, I started to watch the rehearsal for the Year 2 performance! It's a cracker! I can't wait to watch again on Monday morning when they go to a live audience audience of grown-ups! It's so lovely to watch them talk, sing and share their members of their time at Greasley so far (especially in Year 2!)


Head teacher's Awards this week go to:


 Rio - Reception - For his amazing drawing in our lesson today. Rio carefully followed instructions and took care with his picture.


Jaxson - Reception - For working hard to create a snail and a whale out of play dough based on our English work.


Bailey - Reception - For his brilliant work in our English lesson today, writing almost a full page of whale facts!


Ellie - Reception for working so hard in our English lesson today and challenging herself to write a full page of whale facts! 


Jensen - Reception - For working so hard in our English lesson today and writing a whole sentence with Miss Gell.



Have a good weekend everyone and brace yourselves for a crazy week ahead ss we enter the last full week of the academic year.


Warm regards,


Mrs Bates 

