Week Ending 5th November 2021
Head Teachers’ Awards this week have been awarded to:
Sonny – Yellow 2 – For being an absolute super star this week and smashing top marks on his chart this week! Achieving all of his targets and really striving to make a difference this week – well done, Sonny! We are very proud of you.
A great week back in school following a two week half-term break. We all hope that you had a great holiday and managed to have some special time together as a family.
Miss Hanson returned to school this week as Mrs Branigan and I hear that she had a great wedding (despite the change in the weather). I also heard over the holidays that Mrs Henshaw gave birth to her second child and we welcomed baby ‘Florence’ to the Team GB team. Both mum and baby and are doing well. I hope that you will join me in congratulating our staff members as they venture in to different stages to their lives.
During this term, we continue to work on our school priorities, especially those associated with the curriculum, writing and the development within the Early Years curriculum. One of the most exciting developments so far for Reception, has to be their new playground! WOW, what a transformation! As you walk past, please feel free to take a look at the playground and the provision now on offer to our youngsters.
Another exciting development this term is going to the library project that is due to start and be finished by Christmas! We can not wait!
The children have now settled back into their learning/topics and the highlight this week has to be the OfSTED inspection! What a start back to the half-term. Never did we expect to get the Ofsted call on the first day back after the holiday, but we were ready :)
The inspection went very well; we are incredibly proud of everyone (including the children, parents and carers who supported us in the consultations and conversations with the inspectors at the gate). We are not able to share the outcomes with you currently as the report is not yet written and quality assured. However, we cannot wait to share the results with you as we are proud, but also more than aware of what needs working on next – no surprises at all!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Warmest wishes,
Mrs Bates and the wonder TEAM here at GB x