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Head Teacher's Blog


Week Ending 4th September 2020


Welcome back to the Autumn term after a few strange and difficult months. COVID-19 really did put a stop to normality for us here at Greasley Beauvale Primary School. However, our values still stood and the school community and children were at the heart of all our planning and the decision-making (alongside government guidelines).


I cannot believe that we are already at the end of the first week back into the autumn term. Once again, the children really have excelled this week and behaviour has been excellent. All of the children have settled well into their new classroom routines and are getting used to the new year group expectations and way of working. They have also been excellent at getting used to the handwashing, the protective measures and the new lunchtime routines. It has been so lovely getting to meet so many of the new faces and the atmosphere around school has been fantastic. Our reception children have made their transition visits successfully and the unit are getting used to names and new families. It has been lovely to meet them all over the first three days and next week they gradually build up to full time at Greasley Beauvale as they start their primary school journey.


Over the course of the week, I have been into all classes and teaching and learning is well underway! The children are happy, cheerful, inquisitive and working hard. For those that have said they feel a little bit ‘weird’, and are a little nervous or anxious, they are glad to be back but have found the routine of school has changed slightly and they are finding it ‘strange’ having to get up in a morning at a set time again, get ready on time and get themselves to school. I think we all feel a little bit like that and I have told the children that that is perfectly normal and ok! We need to keep sharing our feelings and I think we all feel that the ‘new norm’ is a little bit weird and strange and we wished that things were back to ‘normal’ as they were pre-COVID-19. For now, we continue to follow the guidance, keep safe and keep smiling.


The new class names and teachers are as follows:


Red 1 – Reception – Miss Hanson

Red 2 – Reception – Miss Manson (Assistant Head Teacher)/Mrs Bold

Orange 1 – Year 1 – Mrs Barrowcliffe (Senior Leader)

Orange 2 – Year 1 – Miss Schofield

Yellow 1 – Year 2 – Mrs Clarke (Assistant Head Teacher)

Yellow 2 – Year 2 – Miss Brown

Green 1 – Year 3 – Mr Leyshon

Green 2 – Year 3 – Mrs Padley/Mrs Henshaw

Blue 1 – Year 4 – Miss Martin

Blue 2 – Year 4 – Mrs Clarke (Nurture Lead)

Indigo 1 – Year 5 – Mr Khan

Indigo 2 – Year 5 – Mrs Parnell

Violet 1 – Year 6 – Mr Honey/Mrs Jamson (Deputy Head Teacher)

Violet 2 – Year 6 – Miss Marvin (Senior Leader)


SEND co-ordinator– Mrs Stevenson

PPA cover for some classes – Coach Louise and Madame Barnes

Drum Teaching – Duncan Rose


We have had safety measures to follow and not all are easy to follow and are an inconvenience to us all at times – staggered start and end times being the main one in all truth. Staggered entrance and exits have been suggested by the government as a way to ensure lower numbers in the grounds of the school (some schools are not letting parents into the grounds). Our staggered times are to enable children to have their parents in the grounds with them as we feel this is the most settling thing for them – especially in the first few weeks of school.


Please follow the staggered times below and as you arrive there will be a natural flow of people coming through the gates and along the paths in the community. Thank you in advance:


Year group

Start Time

Home Time




Year 1



Year 2



Year 3



Year 4



Year 5



Year 6





Our Rainbow Value celebrations will continue now that school life has enabled all children and year groups to be back. The children will continue to get a certificate showing the Rainbow Value that they are excelling in. Unfortunately, we cannot have groups of parents coming into school throughout the week, so these assemblies will take place in the classrooms by myself three times a week (instead of a mass gathering in the hall)…


Years one and two (Key Stage 1) – Monday morning

Reception – Wednesday afternoon

Years three to six (Key Stage 2) - Friday


Our Rainbow values are:

Respect and acceptance – “Everyone is equal, everyone is unique”

Active body and active mind – “Take ownership over your health and well-being”

Inclusive yet individual – “Embrace diversity and be proud of who you are”

Nurture, develop and grow – “Persevere and take risks with your talents  and potential”

Believe in yourself – “Be confident in your choices”

Overcome your obstacles – “Be brave, show resilience and challenge yourself”

Wonder and curiosity – “Ask questions and seek answers”

At Greasley Beauvale Primary School, follow the Rainbow Values to …

“Paint Your Own Rainbow


A reminder that next week, hot dinners or packed lunches will be served to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children in the hall. All of these children are entitled to a free lunch due to their age and universal free school meals (this includes sandwiches). Therefore, you do not need to provide your child with a packed lunch if you do not want to. Key stage 2 will be eating in classrooms and therefore, do need to provide a packed lunch as no hot dinners will be served. If your child receives a free school meal then a packed lunch will be provided.


We hope that school life for you here at Greasley Beauvale is going well so far. Please feel free to discuss any issues with class teachers or myself. On the flip side, share the success stories too.


Have a great weekend everyone.


Warm regards,


Michelle Bates

Head Teacher
