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Head Teacher's Blog

Week Ending 10th January 2020


This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


Eleanor – Indigo 1 – For amazing work to consider how impressions are made by the use of photos and texts. She used great presentation and independence and her inferences from the photos were impressive.


William – Orange 2 – For completing a lovely piece of addition work in maths. It was his first time at using a bar model to count on and he smashed it! He also set out his work neatly and got all the right answers!


Maizie – Violet 2 – For independently writing a story from the book ‘x’, which required her to write using pictures. She used retrieval and inference well from the pictures and used some great vocabulary. She also did an amazing re-write after support with spellings and punctuation.


Neave – Indigo 2 – For writing very creatively and ‘hooking’ the reader into wanting to read on.


Conor – Green 1 – For trying so hard at news time to be patient and wait his turn to speak. He asks appropriate questions and listens to what the others have to say. He is no longer wandering off from the sofa at news time or getting frustrated.



Current attendance results are as follows:


1st place goes to yellow 2 for 99.3% attendance.

2nd place goes to Orange 1 for 99.2% attendance.

3rd place goes to Violet 2 for 98.6% attendance.



What a fabulous start to 2020! The children have returned to school settled and ready and raring to go. They have launched themselves into their new Geography topics and are engaged already with the subject material and lessons. We are hoping for a truly inspiring and engaging term and look forward to working with you on our journey throughout our new curriculum. More news next week as to the opportunities throughout this term and what is in on offer. A reminder that there will be a parental workshop from the local authority on internet safety within the home on Wednesday the 12th February at 2pm.


Have a great weekend everyone.


Warm regards,

Michelle Bates
