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Head Teacher Awards

Head Teacher Awards for the week so far:


Ellieana and Arlo - Orange 2 - For their writing. They both used phonics to write their sentences for their letters to Beegu. 


Louie - Yellow 2 - For using a fabulous connecting Thinking Frame. Not only this, but he was able to use all the right language and correct sign language for 'connecting'.


Arthur - Yellow 1 - For his fantastic use of a connecting frame.


Reg - Yellow 2 - For choosing to independently record addition problems in full number sentences and confidently give an accurate answer 


Felix - Orange 2 - For showing respect this afternoon. He was always ready on the carpet and did an amazing road safety poster. 


Freddie- Orange 2 - For his fantastic road safety poster. He made sure that he used his phonics to write his sentences for his poster.


Jack - Orange 2 - For his amazing weather book. Jack worked really hard on this weather book at home for his homework.


Arlo - Yellow 1 - For making great progress by slowing down and using his phonics.


Daisy - Yellow 1 - For making super progress in one lesson by slowing down and using her phonics independently.


Jessica - Blue 1 -  For her amazing dedication to her learning. Jessica is making SO much progress because of her hard work. An absolute superstar.


Robyn and Connie - Yellow 1 - For talking about learning from the Autumn. They said they were 'connecting' and used the 'thinking move' sign. They were reasoning and also said that they had been listening, looking and ordering their information to make sense of it (used three more moves accurately). Great development, girls. 


Teddy - Blue 2 - For trying so hard to draft the second paragraph of Cinnamon and including amazing vocabulary: "A tiger formed in the shadows". Well done, Teddy 



