Well, another great week at Greasley. Despite many children working from home, we have true commitment from everyone involved with the school.
Teachers and staff are working exceptionally hard with blended learning, ensuring that children at home and school are receiving the same level of education, support and feedback. Parents, you are doing a great job in supporting your children, and (as usual) the children are being GREAT! We are so proud of everyone!!
Please do tell us if there is anything we can do to support you and please do get in touch with any concerns or worries.
The bubbles in school are working hard and we know this is being replicated at home!
I did some 'pupil voice' today with some children across school. This was to find out their views and experiences of blended learning. 'Out of the mouths of babes' we are learning a lot and looking at how our provision may need to tweaked slightly. We will also be asking for your views too soon, which will enable us to evolve our home learning offer.
Thanks for working hard and coping during these difficult times!
Take care,
Mrs Bates