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Head Teacher Awards

Head Teacher Awards this week:


Aristos - Orange 2 - For the independent work he has done with 1 less and 1 more. He did question 4 - fill in the missing numbers on his own, with hardly any help.


Benjamin - Orange 1 - For his amazing writing about the alligator hatching out of the egg. He concentrated really hard and remembered his full stops. 


Elliott - Red 2 - For having a super start to the school day. He welcomed me into his classroom, with beautiful manners and politeness. He then told me all about his learning on growing plants and what a seed needs to grow well. In addition, he used his phonics well to read through his instructions with me. I was very impressed this morning. 


Emily - Violet 2 - For persevering with a really tricky maths problem. She even gave up her own time to complete it - working systematically to find all options. 
