Year 6-PGL Update-13/7/17
Last full day PGL update - we're coming back very very soon!
Climbing was brilliant yesterday, and so many of the kids made it all the way to the top of the climbing wall and rang the bell at the top! Abseiling was fantastic too - the minimum number of jumps it took some of the children to get down the wall was two... TWO JUMPS! Amazing!
Tunnel Trail and Challenge Course provided ground level fun, with time challenges and zombie games aplenty!
The night was finished off with a top-notch disco; the music was banging, the dancing was superb and the photo props went down an absolute treat. We all loved it!
Today we have our last few activities, Survivor and Vertical Challenge. We have had such a memorable week and cannot wait to tell you all about it when we get back 😊
We will keep you updated with the time of our return later on.
See you all soon!