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Positive 'stakeholder' comments from the week

Loved the snowmen photos on Weduc, and there was a lively buzz in the playground as the kids came out talking of snow play and parents commenting on the snow man photos they had seen! ðŸ˜Š


Hi Mrs Bates,

[My children] have had the best time on residential with all the activities and fun in the snow - they haven’t stopped telling us about it.

Please pass on our thanks to all the team for making it so much fun, nicely organised and also for getting them home safe.  Must have been a big worry when the forecast changed and all that snow arrived, but it sounds like a trip to remember! 

Have a lovely weekend! 



Just wanted to say, before I forget, a massive thank you to you and to all the residential team (it can’t have been easy) for making the trip “amazing” [Child’s words]. Apologies for the middle of the night visits 😬

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and relax 😊

Thank you again
