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OPAL Developments

Opal Update


It has been a fantastic week and the children have really enjoyed playing with the new resources.


Today we had a visit from two staff from another school who wanted to see how we got started. They were very impressed with the way the children played together and lots of the children were very eager to talk about their experiences.


A special mention has to go to 2 girls who built their own house, complete with seats, a TV, a dining area, a bed and a kitchen. They then invited some friends over for "lunch." We also loved the bus and den that was made this week.


We also wanted to say a huge thank you for the lovely things we have received this week. I didn't get photos of everything but its safe to say they have all been a great hit.


Please continue to share our Amazon Wish List if anyone would like to help out we would be very grateful:


The Barbers shop has been a huge hit and I will add the photos early next week. It is so lovely to see some of our older children engaging in freely chosen role play activities. 


This week we are really starting to focus on preparing our wheeled toy area and I am on the hunt for any scooters, go-karts and helmets that we can use. Please ask around and see if anyone you know has some that they would be willing to donate. We also need a lot more tyres and pallets.


A huge thanks to Top Fit Tyres for the tyres they have donated. If anyone knows where we can get some really large tyres from I would be very grateful for the contact.


Also, if anyone knows anyone who can get the big cable reels we would really like some of these. Thank you again for your continued support,


The Opal team
