Good afternoon
We hope that you have had a good week. Please see below some information and reminders for you:
- Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th May: Year 6 residential trip to Edale. Any child not going on the trip, should be in school as normal. The class teachers will let the children and parents know the plan for the three days. Also, please look out for the Weduc message that has been sent to the relevant parents regarding a photo event taking place on Tuesday 4th June.
- Next week, w/c 20th May, our ‘pop up’ swimming pool will be arriving in the key stage 2 playground. From Monday 3rd June, all of our children in key stage 2 (years 3, 4, 5 & 6) will be taking part in swimming lessons at some point during the half term. If you haven’t already done so, please complete the form, to provide us with some information on your child’s current swimming ability and experience. The timetable is as follows:
Year 3 will swim weeks commencing 3rd and 10th June
Year 4 will swim weeks commencing 17th and 24th June
Year 5 will swim weeks commencing 1st July and 8th July
Year 6 will be split into groups and 1 group will swim each day for 1 week and then all of year 6 will have the pool for the whole week commencing 15th July
- We are in need of a netball umpire to attend a netball tournament with our team on Monday 10th June at Gilthill Primary School starting at 1pm. If you, or anyone you know, is able to help us, please contact the school office.
- Next half terms afterschool clubs will be available to book from Wednesday 22nd May. As usual, all clubs, apart from zorbing, yoga ad Magical Maths, should be booked and paid for on Parentmail. Details of all the afterschool clubs can be found on the attached letter.
- Applications are now open for the September intake in the nursery. This is for new applications only. If your child is already attending the nursery, you do not need to reapply. The closing date to receive applications for September is Friday 14th June. Please see the Rainbows page on the website, for further information and to download an application form.
- We just wanted to remind you all of the guidance relating to illnesses. As you know we have had a sickness and diarrhoea bug as well as chicken pox in school this half term. Please use the link, for guidance and information on common childhood illnesses along with if and how long your child should be kept off school should they become unwell. To stop the spread of infection, if your child has been sick in school or they have been reported as being absent due to sickness and/or diarrhoea, they will be expected to be kept home from school until 48 hours after the last bout of illness. Thank you for you co-operation with this.
- Friday 24th May is the last day of this half term. School is closed to pupils from Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May. The first day back at school is Monday 3rd June.
- Finally, a huge well done to all the year 6 pupils who have sat their SATS this week and a big thank you to all the Year 6 team who have worked so hard to prepare them for the tests. You all deserve a well-earned rest this weekend.
We hope that you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday for the final week of this half term.
Kind regards
The Office Team