Week Ending 1st February 2019
This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
Matthew – Green 2 – For using his wonder and curiosity in the Y3 Stone Age lessons. This enabled him to use his learning to produce a knowledgeable Stone Age menu. Super handwriting too. Well done, Matthew.
Morgan – Red 1 – For amazing application of his phonics skills. He independently worked out the words and then thought of his own sentences to write accurately. Keep this up, Morgan.
Jude – Green 2 – Such an Active Mind! Reading regularly at home and working super hard on Lexia in school. Keep up the super focus – you are making great progress, Jude!
Daisy – Green 2 – Fantastic focus and effort in maths, leading to her ‘overcoming her obstacles’. She is now a maths whizz with short multiplication. Accurate and well-presented! Super work, Daisy.
Positive praise communication between home and school is as follows:
Morgan – Violet 1 – Has sent me a letter to inform me that he is going to be taking part in the ‘Notts Gang Show’ at the Theatre Royal in Nottingham between the 4th – 9th of March. I am so very proud of Morgan and his developed confidence. What an achievement and I cannot wait to hear all about it.
Current attendance results are as follows:
1st place goes to Green 2 for 99.2% attendance.
2nd place goes to Indigo 2 for 99.1% attendance.
3rd place goes to Green 1 for 98.5% attendance.
Week Ending 1st February 2019
A truly busy week with Team GB. We were all hard at work and many exciting things happening in all year groups. Classroom observations continued and once again I am seeing much positivity from the learning and children.
A reminder that parents’ evening has been changed to next half term (please see Parentmail message).
A discussion took place this week from Barbara and Donna from the Greasley Hub (PTA), and we discussed the team potentially needing to grow and develop. If any parents would like to join the Hub to help raise money for school fund then please do let one of us know or contact office@greasley.notts.sch.uk.
Have a great weekend everyone, and I look forward already to another super week next week.
Warm regards,
Michelle Bates
Head Teacher