Week Ending 19th October 2018
This week, the Positive Praise communication home went to:
Ruby – Y6 – Violet 1
Zara – Y4 – Blue 1
Joshua – Y5 – Indigo 2
Attendance figures this week are as follows:
1st place goes to year Green 1 for 99.6% attendance.
2nd place goes to Orange 2 for 99.3% attendance.
3rd place goes to Green 2 for 99.3% attendance.
Week Ending 19th October 2018
Hello everyone,
A very positive week in school this week. Mrs Jamson and I went on another walk around school and we saw lots of positive learning and aspects to the lessons. The children were all motivated and engaged in their activities and the books really are starting to show progress and developments. The atmosphere within the lessons was very positive and the children enjoyed talking to us about their learning. Confidence is evolving throughout the year groups and independence and challenge is something we are continually developing. What a positive feel to school currently.
This week, you should have received the autumn term report, which will lead into parents’ evenings next week (Tuesday and Wednesday). We hope that you find the new format informative and useful. Any questions then please do bring along the reports to your appointments and the teachers will talk through them during the evenings.
Next week, we will also feature in the Eastwood Advertiser at some point as we officially thank out Greasley Hub volunteers for the £4,500 that they raised for the new ‘Project Playground’. We are very proud of the new playground equipment and we very much hope that this can continue to grow over time. We hope that the children have enjoyed playing on the new equipment and have been able to grow and develop actively. A polite reminder that children are not to use the equipment before and after school for supervision reasons.
Have a great weekend everyone and then we are into the final week of the half term before we break up for the holidays.
Warm regards,
Michelle Bates
Head Teacher