Week Ending 12th October 2018
This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
Ava – Red 1 – EYFS – For amazing and exciting storytelling from a picture book.
Maisie – Blue 2 – For writing an informative and interesting fact file about Gladiators
Positive Praise Phone calls home went to:
Erin – Indigo 2
Attendance figures this week are as follows:
1st place goes to year Orange 1 and Blue 2 for 99.3% attendance.
2nd place goes to Red 2 and Indigo 2 for 99.1% attendance.
Week Ending 12th October 2018
Hello everyone,
I can’t actually believe that another week has passed us by already! We have been busy in school continuing with topics and learning, and I am told that the children performed their very best in their assessments last week. These results will help us to baseline where the currently stand within their year group expectations and what they need to do this year in order to improve. The teachers are already busy thinking about what the children need to work on and what messages we will be sharing at Parents’ Evening in the final week of term (Tuesday and Wednesday). In preparation for the meetings, the children will be coming home next Friday with their autumn term report. We hope that you find the new format informative and interesting.
We really want all the children to Nurture, Develop and Grow
This week has been very exciting as the new playground equipment has been put to good use. The Key stage 1 climbing equipment has been thoroughly enjoyed and the children love the new experience. Key stage 2 have enjoyed keeping fit on their new gym equipment and even the Governors could not keep their hands off it following a Pupils and Personnel committee meeting on Tuesday evening.
Everyone at Greasley has an Active Body and Active Mind
On Tuesday, I also attended an Ofsted briefing regarding new changes for the inspection framework 2019. Curriculum design, delivery and challenge is going to be the new focus…how exciting! This year, we will be looking at our curriculum and we hope some great ideas will emerge during out planning in school and further opportunities will be created for our children.
Consequently, developing Wonder and Curiosity
Last week, I sent out links to Parent View via text, Parent Mail and Class Dojo. Thank you so much for your views. They were very much appreciated and the results were very positive. We always strive to be the best that we can be and therefore, I would like to hear more from you regarding ‘valuable information that you hear about your child’s progress’ and ‘homework’. At parents evening, there will be staff around to take your views as we do want to hear more. Our Parent View is exceptionally pleasing and I am very proud of the culture we are developing that has obviously led to these positive results. Please take a look at our results, or continue to add your views anonymously, at: https://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/parent-view-results Thank you.
Having your view, allows you to be Inclusive yet Individual
Thanks for your continued support in school. Have a great weekend everyone.
Warm regards,
Michelle Bates
Head Teacher