25th July 2018
Well, the final day of the academic year has arrived and what a day it was.
The day started with a visit from Mrs Chambers to present her Year 5 'Creative Chambers' award to Chelsea. It was a great event and everyone was so pleased for Chelsea. Her parents and grandparents were very proud of her and it was lovely to read what Mrs McKellar-Savage had written on her certificate. It was great to hear about Mrs Chambers’ travels and we wish her lots of luck in her new adventures for the next academic year.
Following this assembly, we also awarded all the children, who had achieved 100% attendance this year, with their gold pin badge. The children were delighted with the awards and wore them with pride. Over the last three days, we have handed out 46 gold badges, 67 silver badges and 75 bronze badges. We are very pleased with the children’s attendance this year.
Later in the afternoon, we wished Mr Fisher well for his wedding in the summer and said our farewells to Mrs McKellar-Savage. She is about to embark on a new teaching journey in Cornwall, along with her family, and we wish her lots of love and luckfor the future.
We also said goodbye to our year 6 children, who go on to their secondary schools in September. When I joined Greasley, I was a teacher in year 4 and have taught half the year group. Therefore, I can vouch for their desire to want to do well and succeed and as a result, I think they all have very bright futures ahead. I wish them all the luck and happiness.
Have a great summer everyone and we look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday 5th September 2018.
Take care and enjoy making memories,
Michelle Bates
Head Teacher