Week Ending 20th July 2018
This week, a Head Teacher’s award was given to:
Austin – Year 3 – for a great attitude towards his maths. This week, he has also been congratulated for his conduct in assembly.
Week Ending 20th July 2018
WOW, such a busy week in school. Such a fabulous array of activities and events to be proud of and celebrate.
We saw parental events from the Early Years, Year 1, Year 4 and Year 5 children: Early Years had a summer picnic; Year 1 had a garden party; Year 5 did a quiz to demonstrate their learning and Year 4 did a collection of songs, readings, performances and actions to represent the book ‘Running Wild’. All events were very well attended and it was so lovely to parents around school with their children.
On Thursday, we hosted our summer fair and once again, it was very well attended. It was a fabulous afternoon and evening of fun, games, stocks and bouncy castles. Lot of stalls and thanks to the Greasley Hub, they managed to raise approximately £1150…the stocks alone made over £100.
Thank you also for the contributions towards ‘Project Playground’. The Smartie tubes gave the children a great deal of pleasure (and purpose) and managed to raise £729 for the playground. We are very grateful for the contributions and look forward to spending in the autumn term. Thank you so much for your support.
I would also like to say a huge well done to Jessica in year 4 for raising £600 over the last week or two for the MS society. She did a cake sale, car boot and received donations, and I think this is an incredible amount of money to raise for such a worthy charity…especially at a young age.
Following the end of year reports going out, the week started with a great open afternoon; seeing so many parents in school. It also ended with a fun and enjoyable French afternoon on Friday.
Have a great weekend - a busy three days ahead.
Take care,
Michelle Bates
Head Teacher