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Head Teacher's Blog!

Week Ending 11th May 2018


This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


Ashton – Year 3 – For writing a ‘football journey’ at home, using super presentation, lovely sentence structures and fantastic vocabulary. I loved reading it and the journey he has taken has resulted in him signing for Notts County. Well done, Ashton!


This week, the following children have been selected to sit on the ‘Top Table’ at lunchtime:


Class 5 – Rosa

Class 6 - Lexi

Class 9 – Gracie

Class 9 - Kayleigh

Class 11 – Zara

Class 11 - Nadia

Class 12 – Emma

Class 12 - Isabelle


Attendance figures this week are as follows:


WILF will be visiting class 1 and 11 for 99.29% attendance.

Jessica will be visiting class 5 for 99.15% attendance.

3rd place for attendance goes to Class 7 for 98.64%


Week Ending 11th May 2018

The children have been so busy this week, and I am thoroughly proud of them and their attitudes towards their studies. Next week, the year 6s will be commencing their Key Stage 2 Statutory Assessment Tests (SATS) and I can honestly say that they have worked so hard and I wish them all the luck in the completion of the tests and the forthcoming results. Ultimately, the SATs are designed to judge schools and because of this, I sent the following letter to the children today:


Dear Year 6 Pupils,


As you are all aware, next week is going to be a busy week due to your SAT tests in spelling, grammar, punctuation, reading and maths. I know how hard you have all worked, and I know that results mean a lot to you all. However, I just want you all to do your best and achieve what you can next week.


The SAT tests do not assess everything that you can do. They also do not look at what makes each of you special and unique. The people who design these tests, and then mark them to give you a judgement grade, do not know you personally as we do (including your family). Therefore, I feel there is something I should share with you.


The tests do not take into consideration if you can play a musical instrument or sing a solo in front of a crowd. They do not allow your natural talents to shine. They do not celebrate the fact that you may be able to speak in two languages, compete in competitions and win medals, sign for professional football clubs or have the potential to be an Olympic athlete. They do not give you extra marks for your kindness and manners and the ability to have empathy for others. They don’t acknowledge how thoughtful you are and the fact that you always work hard and try your very best. They do not take into account that some people take a little longer to process information and the fact that you may have some battles currently in your life.


What the tests do is measure the success of the school based on how you are able to perform in a test on a set day in a set subject. They do tell us something and it’s important that you do the very best you can, but they just don’t tell us everything about you. They show us how much progress you have made since your time in year 2 and how well you can tackle tests at pace. They do not tell me how ‘smart’ you all are as you are all smart in different ways. Over the weekend, think about all the ‘smart’ things you can do and remind yourself that they are important too, and that those things make you, you! SATS do not celebrate the amazing, unique, and awesome things that you can do.


All being said, do your best and go and shine next week to the best of your abilities. I am so proud of you ALL already for your commitment, drive, perseverance, determination and battling through the hard work, challenges and pitfalls.


Now is the time to rest, sleep, believe and … ‘Paint your OWN rainbow!’


Good luck, guys!


Mrs Bates


The Key stage 1 SATs have also started this week. These tests are used slightly differently in the fact that they are only a part of the teacher’s overall judgements. The tests are conducted over a 2-3 week period. The teachers then use the results (along with all the other information they have about the children from the year) to inform their teacher assessments. The year 2 children were due to start the tests next week, but by Wednesday of this week, we knew they were ready for the challenge and were raring to go. The children started their assessments yesterday and are doing them over a 2-3 week period. I went to see all the children before the start of the tests yesterday and today and gave them a huge ‘thumbs up’ and lots of reassurance (as did all the Key Stage 1 staff).


I genuinely hope that the children do as well as they can do in their assessments and shine like the stars that they are.


A few reminders this week also from across school, the office and the residents:


· Please can children remember their PE kits on the set days as we are now lending more and more clothing to the children;

· Please drive and park considerately on the school drive, neighbouring streets and through the leisure centre car park;


Thank you for your co-operation in advance


It has been lovely to see the children outside more this week. The field has been used regularly and watching the children in the fresh air at playtimes, lunchtimes and during PE has been great…summer is finally on its way!


Have a super weekend and enjoy the sunshine (if we get some!)


Warm regards,


Michelle Bates


Head Teacher
