Week Ending 10th November 2017
This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
Imogen – Year 1 – for being really brave
WILF will be visiting class 7 for 100% attendance.
Jessica will be visiting class 12 for 99% attendance.
Diary of the week:
Well, another fabulous week at Greasley Beauvale and an array of different activities to brighten up the children’s experiences.
The brightest part of the week certainly had to be Tuesday and Wednesday evenings when the hall was a bright mass of colours during the neon discos. Wow, two nights of fabulous entertainment for the children and a great fundraiser for children within school. I can’t thank the Greasley Beauvale Hub (PTA) enough for their level of commitment and forward planning to enable the event to take place. Between the EYFS and KS 1 disco on Tuesday and the KS 2 disco on Wednesday evening, a massive £812.69 was raised for the school fund. Obviously, plans will be put in place for spending this money on the children to further their learning or experiences in school.
DJ Chris was a huge feature of the disco and without his time, equipment and cheer talent at ensuring the children have an amazing time, and lots of fun, the disco may not have been possible. Thanks also to my wonderful team of teachers, teaching assistants and parent volunteers, who gave up their time during the week to ensure that the children were supervised. It really was a fabulous event.
In addition, the children looked absolutely fabulous in their white and neon clothing and this couldn’t have happened without your support and planning. Thank you to EVERYONE…what a team effort! Mr Rod Parent, our new Chair of Governors, also came at the end to share the success and thought what a wonderful event it appeared to have been. He also shared his thanks.
On Monday evening, we held our Full Governing Body meeting and some changes were made. Following my letter to you all on Tuesday, I can confirm that there is a parent governor vacancy and information will follow. Again, I share my thanks to Dr. Lousie Bramley for her role as Chair, Mr Richard Wood as Vice Chair and Nikki Bilson as parent Governor over the years.
Yesterday, we had the experience in school of an African drumming workshop, which told stories through music. The children had a great experience and enjoyed the tales. I was certainly engrossed at one point.
We also held our staff meeting last night on our new data system using ‘Insight’. Data and assessment is forever changing, but we are currently looking at a system, which makes understanding and interpreting the data easier. Point scores and numbers have sometimes led to questions and confusion and our aim is trying to make this easier for parents to understand. We are also trying to make the language of assessment more consistent with the data shared at the end of key Stage one and Key Stage 2 following Standard Assessment Tests (SATs). At the end of these milestones, through the primary phases, we use the language of ‘below’, ‘working towards’, ‘working at’ and working at ‘greater depth’ within the standard. As a school, we are trying to make this more consistent across all year groups, including EYFS. More details to follow when the have the system up and running and have more data to share with you in the spring. Watch this space…
In the meantime, we all hope that you have an amazing weekend. It’s cold outside, but still autumnal. Enjoy the sunshine and bright days, whilst they last. Have fun and enjoy family time!
Warm regards,
Mrs Bates
Head Teacher